Chapter 38

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Everyone was sitting in lawn and waiting for Manik and mukti to come.

Neil noticed Avni wasn't there. Since kitchen Neil didn't see Avni which unusual for him. Neil looks towards her room but saw lights off.

Neil diverted his gaze from Avni door to Nandini as she called him. Neil looks at her.

Neil : what happened bhabhi?

Nandini : you okay! You look tense!

Neil : I am fine bhabhi!

Nandini nods. Neil again looked at avni room door.

Nandini was watching Neil action and was thinking what's making him
Worried. She was going to call Neil again when Neil got up and towards upstairs.

Nandini didn't ask him or stopped him. Neil reached to Avni room and pushed the door bit. He walked inside and saw the lights off then saw Avni covered in duvet. He thought she is sleeping. He walks to her and sat beside her. He moved duvet over the her face and saw her sleeping or should I say pretending to sleep.

Neil creased her face and kissed her forehead. He kept looking at her when his phone rang. He saw caller name. E looked at avni. He left the room after kissing her forehead again. As Neil left a long tear slipped from avni eye. Avni opened her eye sat straight up. She took her phone and went gallery and stopped at particular picture.

She ceased the picture. Seeing picture more tears Brimmed. She pressed her both lips to control her tears but couldn't.

Avni : today you don't know what your words doing to me Neil. Why you so perfect. Why your words making me feel special. Am I really your soulmate.

She thought over his word when he said to Nandini. His words pulling her unknown feeling. The unknown feeling herself couldn't understand why this happening with her.

She kept thinking unknowingly she closed her eye again and felt in sleeping position.

Neil left Avni room as he got called from office.

Neil : any news!

Caller : not yet sir but I don't think he is Mumbai.

Neil : I don't care where he is but I only want his whereabouts. And Make sure bhai doesn't know this.

Caller : ok sir!

Neil cuts and looks at his phone wallpaper. He smiled seeing the picture. It's was picture of him and Manik.

Neil povs: i won't let anyone snatch bhai from me. You already game played with us before but not anyone. Where ever you are I will search for you.

He kept his Phone down and went to door to see Manik entering inside with mukti.

Neil : how was meeting bhai?

Manik : it's was great! Next meeting after week.

Neil : Bhai can I speak to you.

Manik nods.

Neil: in private!

Manik looks at him. So does others.

Manik : come!

Neil follows Manik to his room.

Manik : what you want to say?

Neil : Bhai I got message from him again. He said he will target our business to make your loss.

Manik : are you talking about him.

Neil nods.

Manik : do you really think he can harms us. He hasn't done anything past 7 years then what will he do now. Neil don't pay attention on his Message. I know he is trying divert your attention from meeting which coming soon. Neil he can't harm me in anyway. Don't forget he can't do anything which will break Manik Khanna.

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