Chapter 57

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Avni was still hugging Manik. Avni broke hug hearing Swetha, she looks at the door and saw doctor coming out. She wiped her tears and went to him.

Avni : Doctor how is he?

Doc: Avni he is fine. Nothing much to stress. He lost his conscious because he was hit by rod Also he wasn't recovered from his pervious head injury. He will be better if he takes painkillers. Avni see you around.

Avni : thank you doctor.

Doctor smiled at her.

Manik : Doctor can we meet him.

Doc : after 10 minutes as we shifting him to another room.

Manik nods. Doctor leaves.

After 10 minutes later everyone was standing inside room where Neil was kept. Avni was sitting on stool beside him and holding his hand. Even their parents by now knows about avneil love confession. They were happy about it.

Neil opened his eye and looks around to him to realise he is in hospital. Neil eye fell on his family then Avni who was looking down and caressing his hand. He gave Weak smile to his family.

Manik gestured elders to leave avneil alone. Nodding elders left the room. Avni knew all this but she didn't lifts her eye to see Neil or her family. Neil
Kept his other hand on hers beneath his another hand.

Neil : Avni!.... won't you look at me.... i am sorry...... please..

She didn't lift her face to him. He knew she is angry with him. He didn't say anything afterwards. Both kept quiet when absorbed Each Other presence.

They both looked at the door when there was knock. Both saw Manik standing there. Neil smiled at him.

Manik walks in and stood near Neil bed.

Manik : are okay!

Neil nods.

Manik : doctor said you can go home today.

Neil : bhai.

He stopped Manik as he was going out. Manik turns and looks at him so does Avni.

Neil : bhai I don't Want to go home.

Manik : why?

Neil : could you drop me to our place.

Manik : but Neil?

Neil cut him off.

Neil : please bhai!

Manik nods not getting why he wants to go there. Avni sat there being all confuse. Manik left from there. Neil looked at avni but she quickly looked down.

Neil looked another side and let tear escape from his eye. He closed his eye and thought of himself.

Neil povs: Manik bhai was right am I really going to Ruin my relationship with her. She is not even talking to me. If she wants this then it will happen. I won't come her away.

End povs.

Manik dropped Neil to their place. Avni didn't spoke a word to Neil. She stayed in hospital as she was on her duty. Neil looked sad but somewhere he knew it was his fault.

Manik give water to Neil and looked at her.

Manik : do whatever you want but mind this in your head I am not only Avni brother. I am yours too. I know why you came here to avoid her. Neil I have noticed your both behaviour towards each other in hospital. I am still angry with you what you did but you are my brother. I am always with you. Take care. Call me whenever you want.

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