Chapter 58

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" this is what you could. Right! "

She froze hearing Manik voice. Manik comes out of curtain and took step to Nandini. Nandini was still shocked to hear his voice. She snapped her head to him when she heard his voice again.

Manik : shocked to see me! Well you should be. What the heck you think of yourself? Who do you think of yourself?

She got scared seeing him shouting. She was witness his anger twice but that time she was not even her in own sense. She looks at him and saw his anger which send shiver to her body. She took courage and answered him.

Nandini : what... are.... doing... here....

She was out off by Manik.

Manik : just shut the fuck up. You can act smart front of everyone but not with me. Why the heck you in mangalore... Answer me....

He was anger with her leaving him all alone plus she didn't contact him in this one week.

Nandini looked down.

Manik : don't look down. You know what's your problem you don't understand anyone feeling. Forget about someone but how could you leave your own family when they need you. Do you even know what Avni is going Through. Why would you care about your family. You only care about yourself. Your family think you here for work but they don't know how Much you fooling them...

He stopped and looks at her who was almost tears but he cared less today. Today he was determined to her what's going behind her. He had to tell her that her decision is only hurting people.

Manik : you have no answer right! You know Nandini I admired your and Avni bond but today I realised how wrong I was. Today I realised you are only selfish person. You don't even know what Avni is going through........

He was stopped as Nandini shouted over her voice.

Nandini: shut up... you have no right to say Anything about my relation with Avni. You may be my would be husband but don't forget I am not your wife yet. You can't talk rubbish what I share with Avni. You angry with me right. Then why you bringing Avni in this.

Manik smiled as it's was his plan to make her understand what she is leaving behind mostly her family which he never wanted her to leave. He knew why she is distancing herself because he the reason. Yes he heard her leaving him. He knows how to make her understand value of relationships.

Manik : you really think you care for Avni. If you really cared then she wouldn't be in hospital right now...

As he said Nandini palmed her mouth and looks at him. She never knew about Avni being hospital not even cabir informed. She took her palm off and fumbled saying word. She wouldn't form a word.

Nandini : h...ow...

Manik knew she will react like this so he took advantage to this.

Manik : why should I tell you? You don't even care about anyone. You hate everyone. Why you always think your family will hate you hearing your past. I have told you before and I am saying it again don't let your past ruin you but you choses it go with your past and live. You forget you have family for you who loves but no your past matters more than anything. Why don't you understand Nandini don't let your past ruin you..

He cupped her Face but she jerked it. Manik looks at her.

Nandini : no... being with only I can give pain to them........

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