Chapter 65

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Neil and Avni were sitting near swimming pool and dripping their legs into Cold water. Avni had her head his shoulder. Both were sitting quietly and absorbing each other presence when Avni look at Neil.

Avni : Neil!

Neil : hmm!

Avni : why you did you brought me here? I Mean you said no come expect you and your family then why me?

Neil looks at her.

Neil : you are part of my family. And it's true no comes expect Khanna but Bhai gave permission. About you bringing you then i always wanted to come here with you.. this house is where we spent our childhood. Every memory of baby and Manik Bhai is here. We only come here when we three decide to come or we have fight.

Avni smiled hearing him.

Avni : will soon me the House.

Neil : yeah I will but wait for Bhai. He's coming to with Bhabhi.

Avni : okay!

She again rested her head on his shoulder and held his hand.

While other side in Khanna House everyone were sitting on dining table. Swetha and Nandini was severing them when Manik comes there and looks at Nandini.

Manik : mom!

Swetha stops and looks at Manik.

Swetha : yes!

Manik : mom can I take Nandini with me.

Swetha looks at Nandini who was busy serving but her focus was on them.

Swetha : she is going to be your wife. Take care where you want. Achha tell me where is Neil and Avni?

Manik : mom Neil with Avni!

Hearing this mithal and dhruv irked and looks at Manik.

Swetha : what about your dinner?

Manik : we will have it there.

Swetha : okay! Nandini beta you go with Manik.

Nandini nods and follows Manik. Both sat in car when Nandini Asked him.

Nandini : where are we going and where is Neil?

Manik tied his seatbelt and looks at her.

Manik : hold on! You will know where we going and Neil is Already waiting for us.

Nandini : what about Avni?

Manik : she is with Neil!

Nandini : they solved their problems.

Manik : off course they did. After all he is my younger brother.

Nandini: don't you think you prising yourself a lot. Don't forget Neil is Not only your brother but my devar and Avni would be husband too.

Manik : yeah whatever!

Manik drives and Nandini looks at out side window.

Manik after an Hour stopped car front of Mansion and looks at Nandini who was busy looking at the view.

Manik : let's go!

Nandini nods and gets out while Manik parked his car behind Neil's car. He walks to Nandini.

Manik : come!

Manik held her hand and takes her inside were Neil and Avni is. Manik already knew about Neil plan as he helped him with decoration.

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