Chapter 49

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Next morning Avni woke and her fell on Neil who was sleeping beside her. She bent and kissed his cheek.

Avni : happy birthday Neil.

Neil smiled in his sleep. Avni admired him sleeping when her phone rang.

She picked her phone. She quickly left to fresh up. Soon she came out and wrote note for Neil. After kissing Neil forehead again she left.

After almost hour Neil opened his eye and looked around to find Avni but didn't see her. He got and sat down while taking his phone to call but stopped as his eye fall on the note which she left.

He took note and read it.

"Good morning Neil. Sorry for leaving you alone but got emergency. I will see you in evening. And wish you once again happy birthday. I love you.

Your Avni!

Neil smiled reading it. He kissed the note and went to fresh up.

While In malthore house. Sun ray peeped making Manik sleep. Manik woke up rubbing his eye and looked at Nandini was sleeping while holding laptop on her lap. He sighed and walked to her.

He carefully took laptop from her lap and placed it on table. Then he took papers from her hand. He moved to her face and took his one hand and moves some hair from her face. He sat there's admiring her.

Manik povs : things are going perfectly. I will soon confess my love to you. You know I still have one doubt what if you don't love me then.

Povs end.

He looked at time and saw its 7 pm. He decided to wake her up as he is getting late for meeting. He placed his one hand on her cheek.

Manik : Nandini wake up.

Manik tried few more times when Nandini slowly opened her eye. She jerked herself seeing Manik close to her. Manik got scared too. Nandini blinked her eye to see Manik.

Nandini : are you real?

Manik : yes!

Nandini touched his forehead and realised she wasn't dreaming.

Nandini : good morning! And sorry what just happened.

Manik : good morning. And it's okay'

Nandini : what's the time?

Manik : 7!

Nandini : oh no! I had to reach hospital.

Manik : its not too late. We can go together.

Nandini : Sorry because of me you getting late.

Manik : don't be sorry. You fresh up.

Nandini nods and goes.

Manik informed Swetha he will go straight to office and asked about Neil birthday preparation.

Manik kept his in pockets when he saw bathroom door opening. He look at the door and saw Nandini coming while from her wet hair water was dropping. Manik was looking at her only to which he didn't realise his phone was ringing since long time. He came back to reality as Nandini shook him.

Manik : what happened?

Nandini : where are you lost. Your phone is ringing.

Manik made oh face and took his phone outs and saw Neil calling him. Nandini went back to dressing table and stars doing her make up.

Manik: Neil I am coming soon.

He cut call and waited Nandini to finish. Manik wasn't fresh up yet as he didn't had his clothes so thought to in his office. He went to washroom to wash his face. He came back and saw Nandini ready. He walks to her and kissed her forehead.

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