Chapter 3

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In Khanna industrial both Juhi and mukti with others staff was waiting for Neil and manik to join. Soon Neil entered while fixing his shirt button. He gave smile to staff and took his seat. After few while manik walks in with his own attitude.

He took his sit and smiled at staff. Before sitting he hugged Neil and gave him goods wishes. Neil thanked him. Meeting started. First Neil showed his presentation and impressed everyone. Manik was only could be proud of his brother. He had big smile. After meeting got over. Others felt the room expect from Juhi, mukti and Khanna brothers.

Manik got up and hugged Neil. Neil knew his brother would be proud of him.

Manik: I am so much proud of you.

Neil : thank you Bhai. I have learnt everything from you and dad.

Mukti and Juhi also congratulated Neil. Neil thanked both them. After that Manik told Neil about him going to music manager.

Neil : i am happy bhai. You taking your dream next step. I know you will rock it.

Manik smiled at him.

Manik: I think I should leave. And yeah you go straight after office. Don't wait for me, I might be late.

Neil : ok bhai and best of luck.

Manik leaves office to meet manger if music. While Neil goes back to his cabin and starts reading while when his phone rang.

He took his phone from his pocket. Seeing id, a smile formed on his lip.
He quickly picked it up.

Neil : hello dear, where have you been?

Caller: hello you too, just busy with my life! Gosh too much!

Neil laughed at this statement.

Neil : good to hear. I am glad that.

Caller: you know I hate you.

Neil : you really think so.

Caller: Neil!

Neil : Riya!

Riya : Neil shut up.

Neil : you shut up. Stupid girl left us only for work.

Riya: please Neil you how important it's was for me!

Neil : yeah yeah how Important. Which crazy person leaves their family only for being fashion designer.

Riya : Neil stop it or I will not back to you guys.

Neil : ok ok sorry but tell after so long call. What the matter.

Riya : thank god you realise I called you for reason.

Neil : say or I will cut the call.

Riya : i don't why you always problem with me. Manik bhai is better than you.

Neil : really but you stay away from my bahi. I don't want you with my bahi.

Riya: Neil???

Neil: what? I saying the truth. You always stick with bhai even though you have boyfriend.

Riya: you know what bye.

Neil : sorry but seriously is there any problem.

Riya: actually I have decided to get married.

Neil : what?? Soon!!

Riya : i want to settle down. Even Ali wants the same.

Neil : congrats then but when are you guys planning.

Riya: we just told our parents and they are happy.

Neil: buts what's the problem.

Riya: that I don't know what I should do about my job.

Neil thinks for bit.

Neil : where are you now?

Riya : right now I in Mumbai but I will be going back tonight.

Neil : ok. Is Ali with or you are by yourself.

Riya: i am by myself.

Neil : do one thing at evening come at Khanna House. Then after discussing
with bhai i will tell you what to do.

Riya: thank you Neil.

Neil : don't thank me. Listen I will speak to you later.

Neil cuts call and got busy in his office work.

While Manik reached to one of music studio. He was called by one of staff. Manik entered inside the room after hearing come in.

The person looks at Manik and recognised him.

Person: Manik beta you here.

Manik: uncle you here.

Uncle: I am manager of this company but what made you come here.

Then Manik told him how he is interested in music.

Uncle: we got new song coming up but for that you need to give one performance. If it goes well then you will get the song. I will see you next week then.

Manik: thank you uncle.

Both shook their hands. Manik then left for home. In his way he brought chocolates ice cream for himself and Neil.

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