Chapter 29

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Next morning Manik woke up and fresh up. After being fresh up, he went to Neil room and knocked.

Neil was sleeping in his room when he heard doer knocking. He took pillow and covered his ear and slept again.

Manik knocked it few minutes but didn't get respond. He was going to go back when door opened. Manik looked at Door and saw Neil rubbing his eye. Neil looked at Manik and yawned.

Neil : bhia you early in the morning.

Manik : didn't you sleep last night!

Neil : I was busy making presentation so slept late.

Manik : sorry to disturb you but i have early meeting which Includes you to be there too.

Neil : give me 20 minutes. I will join you down.

Manik : i am waiting.

Neil nods and goes to fresh up. Manik left downstairs. After 10 minutes later Neil walks out the washroom. He was buttoning his shirt when his eye fell on his phone. He stopped buttoning and walked to get his phone. He checked his phone but didn't get her message. He got sad not seeing her message. Past weeks it's was their habit to send each other message but today he didn't get last night message replied which he sent her. He saw two blue ticks but didn't get reply back. He sighed and messages her back.

I am sorry but please don't ignore me. I am really sorry for hurting you Avni. Please, I promise you next tum I will not tease you. Your promise. Please reply when you aren't angry with me. Sorry!

He sent her message and went down to see Manik waiting for him. He walked to him.

Neil : lets go Bhai!

Manik nods. Swetha Prakash was out last night but only Neil knew where they are.

Manik and Neil left for the office not before Neil instructed butler to inform Swetha about them leaving.

Malthore house.

Avni was already woken up and sitting in balcony. She was sipping her coffee and enjoying the cold breeze which was touching her face. Since last night her mood was off not because of Neil paid but he didn't try to understand what she was trying to say.

She doesn't want get angry on him but wants him to understand that she wants to be independent person. She is not dependent on her would be husband or anyone. Her thought broke as she heard door opening.

Avni turned and saw Neela coming inside. Neela saw her in Balcony and walked to Avni. Neela sat down and puts her head in Neela lap. Neela creased her hair.

Neela: why you sitting here like this?

Avni didn't say anything. Neela sensed something which bothered her.

Neela : won't you share it!

Avni tilted her head up and got from lap and sat beside Neela.

Avni : I am confuse!

Neela : why?

Avni : I don't know why but things is not going well.

Neela : what going in your mind? Is it Neil?

Avni looks at Neela,

Avni : I don't know! Maa I really don't know.

Neela : did something happened between you and Neil,

Avni narrates about the phone. Neela looks at avni and kept Avni head in her lap and Start creasing.

Neela : Avni from childhood you love to be independent but things are changing Avni. Avni you both going to marry whenever you both ready. Neil wants your happiness, he is doing what he feels right. You know Avni gifting your partner or doing small thing Grows love between them. I know also you both haven't fell in love yet but seeing you and his concern towards each other shows you both have started to fall in love. You both right in your own point but think he wants to do something to feel your special. Think about it.

Avni was listening and realised she was overreacting about Neil buying her phone. Tears brimmed in eye showing she was guilty. Neela kept her creasing Avni hair.

Neela : Avni where is Nandini? I checked her room but she was nowhere.

Avni got up and looks at Neela.

Avni ; Di messaged me last night saying she will come home today around afternoon as she had night duty.

Neela: are you going hospital today or not.

Avni : not today as it's Manik Bhai birthday and we have to go Khanna house.

Neela : ok! Come for breakfast.

Avni : maa I am not hungry! Please!

Neela : I won't force you but I will send juice for you.

Avni nods. Neela leaves while avni went back to her room and checked her phone. Seeing message for Neil, she opened it. After reading it she realised her mistake.

Avni : I am sorry Neil. I have to clear this misunderstanding with Neil. I have to meet him but how? Should I call him.. no.. I will meet him..

She decided to meet Neil in the party. She took pair of her clothes and went to washroom to have cold shower,

In Manik cabin he was so busy that he forgot his own birthday as usually but no wished him as Neil told them not to.

Manik was reading file when his phone rang. He kept file aside and picked his phone. Seeing caller Id he smiled.

Manik : hello, Nandini.

Nandini : hello Manik,

Manik : how are you?

Nandini : I am good. Actually I wanted to ask your something.

Manik sensed something in her tone.

Manik : are you okay!

Nandini : I am fine, just tried of over night shift. Don't worry I am okay.

Manik : don't stress yourself. What you wanted to ask?

Nandini : is Neil with you?

Manik : he is in his cabin but what happened?

Nandini : nothing has happened. I called him but he didn't respond my call. I thought he is busy.

Manik found it strange hearing Nandini about Neil.

Manik : but he is not busy. Recently I visit him.

Nandini : could you check on him.

Manik : I will but you tell me. Are you still hospital or at home.

Nandini : I am leaving in minute for home.

Manik : message me when you reach home. Don't worry about Neil I will check on him.

Nandini : ok bye!

Manik : bye!

Manik cuts call and moves to Neil cabin. He knocked but didn't get respond so he opened the door and saw Neil lost. He walks inside and called out Neil name. Hearing Manik voice Neil looks to se Manik standing there.

Neil : bhai when did you come? Take sit.

Manik took he seat.

Manik : Neil is something bothering you.

Neil : Bhai its nothing like that. Nothing is bothering me.

Manik : then why didn't you picked Nandini call.

Neil checked his phone and saw 5 miscall from Nandini.

Neil : sorry bhai it was on silent.

Manik : are you okay!

Neil : I am fine. Just stress with meeting!

Manik nods. Neil didn't wanted share with anyone because he wanted short their problem themselves.

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