Chapter 47

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Manik made Nandini lay down on couch and creased her face. Manik kissed her forehead and got up. He moved to corner of her cabin and took his phone and messaged someone.

After sending message he went back to couch and settled Beside Nandini. He kept her head in his lap and creased her hair.

Neil was in his cabin thinking about his work when his cabin door opened. He looks up and saw mukti coming with worried face. Mukti walked to him. Neil got from his seat and walks to mukti.

Neil : why you look worried?

Mukti: Manik is missing!

Neil : what do you mean "Manik is missing? How can he be missing?

Mukti : I mean to say he is nowhere in office. I called on his phone but he didn't pick it up. Also I asked staff but they said no one saw him. We have meeting next to attend.

Neil : but after meeting bhai said he has work. Where could he go then? Mukti you don't take tension. I will call bhai. You prepare for meeting.

Mukti nods and leaves. Neil sat back to his seat and picked his phone. He immediately dialled Manik Numeber.

Manik was looking Nandini while she was sleeping. Manik diverted his gaze from Nandini to his pocket as his phone rang. Manik took his phone out and saw Neil calling him.

He looked at Nandini first then at his phone. He picked it up.

Manik : hello Neil!

Neil: bhai where are you?

Manik: I'm at hospital!

Neil : hospital Suddenly why?

Manik : I came yo visit Nandini. You say any urgent work.

Neil : bhai mukti was saying you have meeting in hour. She was looking for you.

Manik : shit! I forgot about meeting. Neil could you inform mukti to cancel the meeting. It boy possible for me to leave from here.

Neil : Bhai is bhabhi fine!

Manik : she is fine. She is sleeping now.

Neil : sleeping now. Even your voice sounds different. Are you okay.

Manik : I am okay so is Nandini. She sleeping due to tiredness. Please inform mukti.

Neil : I will bhai! You take care.

Manik : thank you! Bye!

Manik cuts call and looks at Nandini. Then he saw time at the clock and realised something. He decided to wake Nandini up.

Manik : Nandini wake up.

After few times calling her Nandini opens eye and looks at her. Then she realised she slept in his lap. She quickly got up and looked other side.

Manik not making her uncomfortable he asked her about her Health.

Manik : feeling better!

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