Chapter 67

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Only two days left when wedding function will starts. Everyone was busy in their work unaware of someone is planning behind the them.

Today morning both brothers went to office to complete their work as Swetha told them after tomorrow no office work as wedding function will starts. Agreeing to Swetha Neil and Manik were wrapping their office work whereas Avni and Nandini was given holiday for almost three months as Neela applied their holiday to which both sister was unaware off.

Neil was leaning on his chair with his close and Juhi was working on her laptop when Avni opens the door. She didn't see Juhi sitting beside the sofa.

Avni : Neil!

She called his name. Hearing Avni Neil opens his eye and see Avni standing there. Even Juhi heard Avni calling Neil. She quickly shut her laptop quietly moved out the cabin leaving them alone.

Neil : Avni you here!

Avni : no my ghost!

Neil got of his chair and moves to her. He pulled in her in hug. Avni smiled.

Neil : yeah don't say ghost to my Avni.

Avni : achha baba I won't!

Neil broke hug and kissed her forehead. Neil moves to his chair back and sat down while Avni looks at him.

Avni : hello you not asking me to sit.

Neil : that what I preparing for her!

Avni : huh?

Neil : what huh? Come here!

Avni moves to him before she could say Neil pulled her to which she landed in his lap. Avni gasped at him while he smirked.

Avni : do you want me to remove your smirk.

Neil : na! See it's so comfy to seat like this..

Avni : let me go!

Neil : no! And stop struggling.

Avni stops moving and looks at him.

Neil : good! Okay what have made you come here?

Avni : i was board at home so came to visit you.

Neil held more tight from her waist and smiled.

Neil : that's good you came here.

Avni : why you in office today?

Neil : need to wrap all office work before wedding then long holiday with you only.

Avni : I will make sure you suffer being with me..

Neil : we will see!

Avni : how long you gonna be here?

Neil checked time on his watch.

Neil : another two more hours! Did you come alone or bhabhi is with you.

Avni : di she is with Manik bhai. We both came.

Neil : wow that good! We can spend time then.

Avni nods. Neil takes his phone and messaged Juhi not come until he doesn't call her.

Keeping his phone aside Neil looks at avni who was playing with is shirt button. He admired her.

While in Manik cabin he was talking to his clients when there was knock. Manik looks at his client then mukti and gestured her to see who is outside. Mukti nodding goes out and see Nandini standing there. Nandini smiled seeing mukti.

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