Chapter 26

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Avni after meeting Neil she went hospital even though it was her day off. She wanted to help Nandini handling children. She parked car front of hospital and took her belonged and walked inside. She greeted the staff and went inside her cabin. She kept her stuff and moved to children ward.

Reaching there she saw Nandini feeding one girl. She smiled and walked to them.

Avni : so what is my baby doing?

The girl smiled seeing Avni. Nandini gave her smile.

Girl : eating Di!

Avni : good girl!

Nandini kept bowl aside and wiped the girl face.

Nandini : you met him.

Avni stops playing with girl and looks at Nandini.

Avni : I coming from there.

Nandini : you didn't had to come.

Avni : i know but can't leave you alone here.

Nandini : listen I have late shift so you go around 6. Okay!

Avni nods and starts ticking the girl. The room was full of laughter of the girl. Nandini and Avni smiled seeing her happy. Nandini walked over the medicine table and came back. Nandini hand medicine to Girl but she turned her face.

Avni looks at her.

Avni : baby why you aren't taking your medicine?

Girl : it's horrible!

Hearing her Avni smiled as she remembered Manik words when he told her about Neil hating medicine. Nandini looked at her.

Avni : Di give it me.

Nandini nods and gives to Avni.

Avni : baby if you don't eat your medicine then how will become strong like us.

Girl : will I will be strong like you.

Avni nods.

Girl : but it's horrible.

Avni : if you take Medicine then promise I will give you chocolate.

Girl : really!

Avni nods. Girl immediately took medicine. Nandini and Avni smiled at her.

Avni : Di how long you gonna stay?

Nandini : around 12am. Don't worry I will be fine. You should go home.

Avni : Di are you free now,

Nandini nods.

Avni : could you come to my cabin.

Nandini : just give me 5 minutes. You go I will be there.

Avni nods and leaves. Nandini makes the girl sleep and left to Avni cabin.

She walked inside and saw Avni lost in thinking. She sat opposite her chair and called her name.

Nandini : Avni!

Avni opened her and looks at Nandini.

Avni :when did you come?

Nandini : just now, what's the matter?

Avni : I just thinking what Neil said?

Nandini : what did he say?

Avni : he wants us after Manik bhai birthday to go on holiday.

Nandini : but how can this be possible?

Avni : that what I am thinking. I said I will come but don't know what to do!

Nandini : do you want me to speak to boss.

Avni : I don't know!

Nandini : do you want go on holiday.

Avni : i do but I know it's not possible.

Nandini : don't worry I will do something. Don't take tension! Okay!

Avni nods.

Nandini : I will leave now. You go home.

Avni nods. Nandini leave as she got message. Avni took her belongs and left for home.

Nandini was in her cabin and dialled number.

Nandini : I am sorry not responding your message as I was with Avni.

Caller : its fine Nandini.

Nandini : where are you Manik?

Manik : I am at home. Actually I was out the work so came home early. What about you?

Nandini : I am still working. Will be free around 12.

Manik : that's late!

Nandini : it is but it's my duty too.

Manik : when are you going back to work?

Nandini : got half one hour break.

Manik : oh that's great. You say!

Nandini : what should I say?

Manik : anything i won't mind!

Nandini : really!

Manik : yeah say!

Nandini : what if I say I want to talk to Neil now!

Manik : why?

Nandini : what do mean by why? He is devar so I will talk to him.

Manik : don't you think you both teaming too much.

Nandini : not really!

Manik : Nandini I will call you later. I am getting another call.

Nandini : okay bye!

Manik : bye.

She cuts call and rested her head on her chair.

Nandini povs: should I trust him. He is good person but should I give him chance. I know Avni believes in love but do I after that what happened.

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