Chapter 45

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Neil starts laughing while Manik was confuse seeing him laughing like crazy person. Manik checked Neil forehead.

Manik : are you okay Neil? Did you get bad affect of medicine.

Neil stopped laughing and looks at Manik.

Neil : just wait and watch! 1....2....3 here you go..

The door opened and both boys turns to see Nandini walking inside while typing something message to someone. Neil hide his smirks seeing Nandini. He knew something happened between them as the way Nandini spoke on phone which indicates how angry she was with Manik.

Nandini looks up after turning her phone off. She smiled at Neil and moved to him.

Nandini : Neil I am sorry for talking to you rudely.

Neil : it's okay bhabhi! I Know your anger was for someone else. I am not upset with you.

Manik hearing Neil realised Neil took his phone to call Nandini. Manik glared Neil but. Neil was smiling.

Nandini : Neil when are you getting discharge?

Neil : in afternoon.

Nandini nods and looks at Manik who was busy glaring Neil.

Nandini : Neil why is your brother glaring you?

Hearing Nandini Neil looks at Manik.

Neil: he is mental ignore him.

Nandini : you right!

Manik : you think I'm mental. Nandini you hurt me today.

Nandini : Neil i will see you later. I need to visit my patient.

Neil nods. Nandini leaves. Manik punched Neil shoulder.

Neil : ouch! Why did you hit me?

Manik : what should I then? Why did you call me mental.

Neil : I was trying to help you.

Manik : helping in what?

Neil : i know bhabhi is angry with you. Go talk to her.

Manik : I will handle her later.

Neil : Bhai just go!

Manik : don't worry I will handle Nandini later. I know how to handle her. I want to ask few questions.

Neil nods.

Manik : did you felt someone was following.

Neil : there was car but I don't who was it?

Manik : which colour?

Neil : I think it was black but why?

Manik : Apart from black car you didn't see anyone.

Neil : no bhai!

Manik : did you felt something Wrong before car banged to tree.

Neil : yes I did. Suddenly I tried changing gear but didn't work. Even breaks was failed. I feel someone did it .....

Manik cut him off.

Manik : purposely. This was planned by someone.

Neil : but why would the harm me?

Manik looks at him.

Manik : this accident wasn't for you. This was for me. They knew that car belonged to him but didn't knew you had it for day. I am sorry Neil because of me you here in hospital.

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