Chapter 48

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Avni was lying on Neil Chest . Both were on couch. Neil entwined their hand and looked at her.

Neil : Avni when did you plan this all?

Avni : woh i need to few days back. I realised I love you when you were in hospital but I wanted to do something different. Manik Bhai helped in arranging things. He even told me to use the farmhouse.

Neil: he knows!

Avni : hmm! Did you like my surprise?

Neil : i love it! Thank you doing all these.

Avni : no thank you needed.

Neil : Avni are you sure need more time for marriage. I mean we still can wait.

Avni : I just confess my love to you and you saying I need to time. Neil we both love each other then why you thinking about me not being comfortable with you. You know how comfortable with you.

Neil : I know but I don't want any problem between US.

Avni : let's not talk about all that. You say If I didn't proposed you then would never propose me.

Neil : you think that will happen. I wanted Know your feeling before taking another step but you were ahead of me.

Avni : I'm always ahead of you.

Neil : you are. Achha Avni I am hungry. I thought I will eat in party but didn't knew there was surprise for me.

Avni : let's go! Bhai arranged everything for us.

Neil : he is my best brother I can never have.

Avni : he is mine too!

Neil nods. Avni gets from Neil and went to get food and while Neil was busy admiring the decorations.

Soon Avni came out holding one plate. She sat beside him and Kept the plate in her lap. She took one bit and give to him.

He smilingly ate it and looks at her. He too took one bite and made her eat. Like This both finished eating. Avni kept the plate aside and gave him glass of water. Neil drank it and give to back to Avni.

Avni held the glass and drank it from. Neil smiled seeing her act. After Neil pulled her in to his lap. She blushed but hid it quick. Neil noticed it.

Neil : you know I love you red cheeks. It's so adorable to see.

She blushed hearing him. Neil hugged her tight. Avni rested her head on Neil

Manik parked his act front of malthore house. He walked at the door and ring the bell. He waited when he saw Neela opening the door.

Neela : Manik beta you here!

Manik : sorry anutie coming like this but I had to meet uncle.

Neela : Don't be sorry. This is your house too. Ashish is in study room. Should I call him.

Manik : no anutie. I will go there.

Neela nods and asked him to come inside.

Manik admired the house and looks at Neela.

Manik : anutie could you tell me the way of study room.

Neela : come I will take you there.

Manik nods and follows Neela. Neela stops at study room and looks at Manik.

Neela : you go inside. I will send some snacks.

Manik: no anutie it's not needed.

Neela : why not have something. I will bring it.

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