Chapter 77

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Two weeks passed since the incident took place. Avni become more silent person in this two weeks. Their family didn't knew what's was actually reason behind Avni silent as Neil didn't want them to worry. Avni slowly starts ignoring Neil too. Neil didn't said anything but he starts coming late from office. This all was watched by Manik and Nandini. About manan they both tried to bring Avni back to normal but it didn't work. Manik knew how Neil gives excuse staying in office.

It's was another day where manan woke up and met family members. Manik and Nandini looked at each other than at their family.

Manik : mom!

Swetha looked at him.

Swetha : manu wanna say something!

Manik nods.

Manik : actually I was think why not go out today..

Bebe : but Manik why today?

Manik : Bebe it's nice weather and it Been ages since we want out.

Prakash : Manik where do tog wanna go?

Manik : beach house!

Prakash : done! Inform Avni and Neil too.

Nandini : papa Avni won't come as she not well.

Bebe : is she okay!

Khanna and malthore family doesn't know anything expect Avni was missing that day.. Neil didn't wanted to tell everyone what happened with Agni as he didn't wants them to be worry.

Nandini : she is fine Bebe!

Swetha : lets leave in evening then!

Manik nods and smiled at Nandini who smiled back to him.

While in Avneil room. In this two week first time Neil was in his room sleeping but not bed with Avni but on couch.. from that day things changed between them. Avni was sleeping on the bed with frown on her face when sun lights hits her face.. she tried hiding her face in pillow but eventually she opened her eyes and say straight up. She looked at Neil who was sleeping uncomfortable on coach..

Tears made through on her cheeks. She wiped it up and got up and moved to washroom. she took shower and take out while wiping her hairs when her eye fell on Neil who was turning his body another side of couch. She felt guilty seeing him sleeping like that.. she divert her gaze from him and went to dressing table and brushed her hair when she saw Neil opening his eye..

She looked at him but he without looking at her went to Washroom. She kept brush on table and moved to balcony.

Here Neil took shower and came out wiping his hair and looked to see Avni but find her. He sighed and moved to closet to take his Clothes.

He wore his office wear and room his bag and phone and left the room. After few minutes later Avni come back to room and saw washroom door opened and realised he already left.

Keeping her thoughts aside she went down and saw Bebe sitting reading something. She sat beside Bebe and wished her..

Avni : good morning Bebe!

Bebe looked at her and smiled.

Bebe : good morning! You okay now!

Avni nods and Asked about Nandini and Swetha.

Bebe : they in kitchen! Go see them.

She nods and made her way to kitchen and saw Nandini making something and Swetha helping her. Avni walks to them..

Avni : Di!

Nandini turns and saw Avni.

Nandini : come Avni!

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