Chapter 16

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Manik and Nandini reaching in living room looked around but couldn't find Neil or Avni.

Manik : where did they both went?

Nandini : maybe in Neil's room.

Manik : maybe. You want eat something.

Nandini nods no.

Nandini : I will wait for Avni.

Manik nods when both them heard someone laughing.
Manik : who's laughing and where.

Nandini : I thinks its coming from kitchen.

Manik : let's go.

Nandini nods and goes behind him. Reaching in kitchen they starts laughing seeing their condition. Hearing laugh Neil and avni saw. towards the kitchen door and saw Manik and Nandini.

Manik controlled his laugh.

Manik : Neil what is this?

Neil : Bhai don't laugh! By mistake it slipped and fell over me.

Manik : but what are doing in kitchen?

Neil: to cook.

Manik laughs again seeing his brother condition. Neil was full covered with flour over him.

Manik : you fresh up. I will cook.

Neil nods and leaves not before glaring at Avni.

Manik walks inside the kitchen and starts cleaning. Nandini and Avni was also helping him.

Manik : Avni how did flour on him?

Avni laughs remembering how flour fell on Neil. Hearing Avni laugh Manik guessed she might have done something.

Avni : simply he was getting and fell on him.

She tried to control her laugh. Manik too laughs at her.

Manik : you both go and sit. I will come after making something.

Nandini : it's okay we will help you.

Manik smiled at her and nods. Nandini starts chopping vegetables when Manik was still cleaning the floor and Avni was sitting and eating apple. Manik smiled seeing Avni.

Manik : Avni what you doing now?

Avni looks at him after taking another bite.

Avni : what do you mean?

Manik : I mean what you study or job.

Avni : oh. I am doctor!

Manik was at with shocked face.

Manik : you doctor?

Avni frowns hearing him.

Avni : why you both brother got shocked hearing the name of doctor.

Manik : you told him that you are Doctor.

Avni : yeah but what's wrong being doctor.

Manik : it's nothing wrong but Neil hates doctors.

Avni chocked the Appel she was eating. Nandini gave her water.

Nandini : you okay!

Avni nods. Then she looks at Manik was making something.

Avni : why he hates doctor?

Manik looks at Avni and smiled at her.

Manik : he hates doctor because he thinks they give horrible taste medicine. You won't believe it he runs away whenever doctor family visit comes.

Avni looks at unbelievable. Nandini giggled hearing Manik. At the same time Neil came after having shower ready in office wear. Hearing them laughing Neil was confused.

Neil : why you all laughing?

Manik : nothing much. Why you wore office wear?

Neil : I need go to office!

Manik : may I know why?

Neil : need to give Someone lesson.

Manik : you won't go today.

Neil : but why?

Manik : don't argue with me.

Neil : fine!

Nandini and Avni kept watching them. Manik looks at Avni and smiled at her. Neil looked at them confuse face.

Neil : Bhai why you smiling at Avni for?

Manik : why you jealous?

Neil : I hate you!

He left the kitchen and went back to his room.

Avni : Bhai.. I mean can I call you.

Manik : I would be happy you do.

Avni smiled.

Avni : Bhai you shouldn't stopped him going to office.

Manik : you don't know what he will do there.

Avni : off course he will work there.

Manik : you think he will. No he was going vent his anger on raj.

Avni : but why?

Manik : remember when I had call in office it was him raj who informed me about Neil. Neil was angry since morning.

Avni : sorry!

Manik : don't be! It's his nature. We both have anger issue. Only two of us can control each other anger.

Nandini : it's done.

She said as pasta was made.

Manik : I will call Neil.

He was going to when Nandini stopped him.

Nandini : I will get him. Which his room.

Manik smiled at her.

Manik : next to mine.

Nandini nods and goes to call Neil. While Avni looks at manik.

Avni : Bhai can I ask you something.

Manik looks at her and nods.

Avni : are you ready for this relation.

Manik : she needs time. I am happy to give her much time she wants.

Avni smiled.

Nandini knocked Neil room.

Neil : Bhai I don't want to talk to you.

Nandini : it's me Nandini.

Neil look at her.

Neil : come in!

Nandini walks in and stood front of him.

Nandini : are you angry with your Bhai.

Neil : I can't be angry with him.

Nandini : then why this?

Neil : just for fun.

Nandini smiled.

Neil : what's should I call you?

Nandini : whatever you want.

Neil: can I call you then bhabhi.

Nandini eyes wide and looks at him.

Neil : sorry if you don't like it. I always wanted to call Bhai wife Bhabhi.

Nandini smiled at him.

Nandini : you can. Let's go they waiting for us.

Neil : I don't want to.

Nandini : not For them then come for me.

Neil : only for you.

Nandini nods. Both moves out of Neil's room. While going both talked.

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