Chapter 32

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Next morning everyone woke late as they slept late and was tried after party. Elders were sitting in garden while youngest were still sleeping.

Elders were discussing about random stuff when kushi and arav came and greeted them.

Kushi : good morning you all!

Others wished her good morning. Kushi looked to see her brother but didn't find them.

Kushi : mom where is Bhai?

Swetha : they are still sleeping.

Kushi nods.

Kushi : I will check on them.

Swetha nods. Kushi goes inside when she bumped to Avni who was busy doing something on her phone.

Avni without looking at kushi.

Avni : sorry!

Kushi : Avni it's fine but why you so hurry?

Avni looks from her phone and saw kushi.

Avni : good morning bhabhi! I was sending message to my colleague.

Kushi : good morning you too! Are you in hurry?

Avni : no bhabhi you have work!

Kushi smiled herself which made Avni confused but she ignored it.

Kushi : actually could you check on Neil Bhai.

Avni looks at with shocking face and muttered.

Avni : me?

Kushi hid her smile.

Kushi : yes you. Don't forget after your marriage you will be doing all this so why not from today. It will help you after marriage.

Avni blushed Hearing after Marriage. Seeing her blush Kushi smiled.

Kushi : don't blush too much. Go wake him up. By the where is Nandini?

Avni stopped blushing hearing Kushi.

Avni : Di is still sleeping.

Kushi nods.

Kushi : you wake up Neil, I will check on Nandini and Manik bhai.

Avni nods and was going to go but stopped and called Kushi.

Avni : bhabhi which room?

Kushi smiled.

Kushi : come I will show you.

Avni nods and follows Kushi. Kushi stopped front of Neil room and looks at avni.

Kushi : you go inside. Its open! I will check on Manik bhai.

Avni nods. Kushi leaves. Avni took deep breath and pushed door and went in. She saw him sleeping on his stomach with mouth little open. She chuckled at seeing him like this. She walked near his bed and sat down beside him.

She was hesitate first but thinking Kushi words she kept her hand on his hair and starts ruffling them. Feeling someone hand Neil turned himself and clutch pillow tightly. Avni smiled at him.

She kept ruffling his jar and called his name.

Avni : Neil wake up!

Neil was too tried so he didn't hear who was calling him. Avni called few times but he didn't respond. Avni thought of something. She bend down to him and kissed his forehead. And it worked Neil slowly opened his eye feeling touch of lip. Avni smiled seeing him waking up cutely. Neil looks at avni and gave her smile then looked away thinking he is seeing her in his dream.

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