Chapter 71

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Next morning sun ray fell on Nandini face. She opened her eye only to see she was caged in Manik arms. She looked at his face and admired him. She sensed he would wake up anytime so she closed her eye and pretend to sleep. Manik woke as sun ray was disturbing him. He looked at Nandini sleeping peacefully in his arms. He smiled and adore her. Few minutes later Manik caressed her cheek and bent down to kiss her forehead.

Manik : you know Nandini I waited for this since I met you first time. That day I knew you were only for me.. I glad you become mine.. before seeing you i never thought I would fall for you so deeply... I really love you Nandini. Hope soon you will accept me as your lover... I know you already have accepted me as husband but I want you to confess your love for me... I won't force you but I'll be waiting for you when you say you love me...

He again kissed her forehead.

Manik : I love you!

He whispered and untangled himself from her and went to washroom. As he felt Nandini opened her eyes and wiped the tears of corner of her eye..

Nandini : today your words made me realise how stupid I'm. Manik your words made realise no one can love me like you do.. wait until evening Manik. I'll tell you how much important you are Manik.

She looked at the washroom door and got up. She moved to her closet and took a saree to wear. She waited for Manik to come back. She sat on bed and Checked her phone..

Soon Manik came out while wiping his hair only in towel. Nandini looks at him wide eye open. Manik saw her and chuckles seeing her like that...

Manik : Nandini good morning!

Nandini came out of her tranche and looks at him but soon looked away seeing him not wearing on upper body.

Nandini : good morning!

Wishing him she quickly rushed to washroom taking her Clothes. Manik ruffled his hair and move to his closet. He took his clothes and starts wearing it..

While in Avneil room the case was different. Avenil were still sleeping. Avni snugged more into Neil as sun rays was peeping through window. Neil tightened grip on her waist and pulled her close to him. Neil hid his face crook of her neck..

Avni tried to sleep more but Sun rays wasn't allowing her so she opened her eyes and got up to Close the curtains. She came back and slept again keeping her head on Neil chest and snugged to him. Neil smiled in his sleep feeling her warmth..

While in Manan Manik was ready when Nandini came out. Both passed smile to each other. Manik took his Phone and moves to balcony to make call while Nandini moved to dressing table. She took brush and starts brushing her hair. She applied little make up on her then picked vermilion box when Manik walks in. Manik saw her and Moved to her.

Manik looked at her then the vermillion box. Nandini Gestured him to apply it which he took pinch of it and filled her hairline.

Manik : you look beautiful in saree but why you wore saree?

Nandini : maa said married women should wear Saree.

Manik nods.

Manik : I'm going down.

Nandini : I'll come in 5 minutes.

Manik nods and leaves the room. Nandini took her phone and messaged someone.

In avneil room Neil opened his eye and saw his wifey sleeping . He smiled and kissed her forehead. He moved her head from his chest and kept on pillow. He covered her with duvet and left for washroom.

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