Chapter 40

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Anyone realised how to months passed. Neil Manik was back by now after getting dealer. One things was changed between Neil and Manik was their secret. Both had one secret of each other. Neil knows Manik loves Nandini so Does Manik knows about Neil how much Neil loves Avni. When both got to know.

Both couldn't express what they are feeling for their partners. It's was two weeks left for Neil birthday. Manik know already explained his plan to Avni and Nandini. While all this two months Neil didn't received any Message from unknown man which shocked Manik a lot. Manik was alert but didn't knew where his whereabouts is. Even his guards were trying but couldn't get any clue of him.

Avni and Nandini feeling was still unsure but they knew Neil and Manik are the one for them. They both falling but haven't realised yet.

It's was another day where Neil was early up. He was standing front of his mirror. He was getting ready and with his other he was talking to his love.

Neil : yes I do remember go meet you today. Don't worry I will not forget too.

Avni : when is your meeting?

Neil : after hour! You say where are you?

Avni : I am at hospital! Just came from surgery room.

Neil : don't stress to much. Listen I will call you later.

Avni : good luck for meetings and don't drive too fast. I know your habit of driving fast.

Neil : that the reason I hate yours and bhai team. You both Teamed up against me.

Avni : well that goes to Same to you and Di. Now go!

Neil : bye!

He cuts call and took his office bag and went downstairs to see Manik eating his breakfast and his parents was sitting with Bebe and talking about something.

Neil went to Manik and sat beside him. Manik looks at him and passed Neil a smile.

Manik : good morning Neil! Ready!

Neil : good morning bhai! Yeah. Bhai can I ask you something.

Manik : off course you can.

Neil : when are you planing to confess your love to bhabhi?

Manik : shhh! Don't say that loud. About confessing then I don't know yet. I know I love her but what if she doesn't love me back.

Neil : she does! I can see in her eye. Maybe she doesn't know.

Manik : Maybe! What about you?

Neil : what about me?

Manik : don't act innocent! Your confession to Avni.

Neil : I don't know! Bhai can I take your car. My car is at car service.

Manik : you can it but make sure your drive carefully.

Neil: as you say! I will leave now! Bye!

Manik : good luck! Bye.

Neil bids Manik and moved to his parent and Bebe. He takes their blessing and leaves.

While somewhere in Mumbai we could see two people sitting and drinking.
The first guy puts his drink down and looks at another man.

Man 1: how much you love her?

Man 2: you don't know how much I loved her but she rejected me. Only because of her I had to go jail. I want destroy her life.

Man 1: that will happen soon. Just wait for some action.

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