Chapter 54

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Manik was driving and Avni was sitting beside him. They are going to where Neil and Nandini are kept as Manik Asked someone to track harshad number. Manik was turning the steering wheel when his phone rang.

His Phone was with Avni. Avni looks at Id then Manik.

Avni : bhai mukti is calling you.

Manik : Avni pick it up.

Avni does it and puts on speaker.

Manik : yes mukti!

Mukti : Where are you?

Manik : I am out but why what happened?

Mukti : Some Clients wants to talk to you.

Manik : I can't come. Tell them to leave.

Mukti : but?

Manik : no but or what? I can't attend it.

Mukti : ok can Neil sir do it.

Manik : mukti just send them away.

Mukti : oaky I will.

Manik gestured Avni to cut call . Avni does it and looks at Manik.

Avni : bhai we will find them.

Manik : we will!

Manik stopped car front of the house and looks at avni.

Manik : Avni Stay here.

Avni : bhai I want come too.

Manik: no you won't come. If Neil get to know then don't know if we both will be alive or not. Please Avni I will bring Neil and Nandini with me . Promise me you won't move from here.

Avni : promise I won't move.

Manik took his seatbelt off and gets out while turning his phone on. He quietly walks inside. In the car Avni was praying for their safety.

Inside harshad tied Neil and puts tape on his mouth. Aryaman was only looking at Nandini only. Neil was feeling to take his eye off but he was helpless.

Aryaman : you know Neil your bhabhi is most beautiful person. When I saw I fell for her but she rejected me because she couldn't give one night.

Neil closed his eye feeling disgusted on aryaman word. Nandini was crying hearing him.

Aryaman : today I am lucky she is here. Today she will be mine....

He stopped as the Door opened. All looked at door and saw Manik standing with red eye only. He heard what aryaman said.

Nandini lifted her head to see Manik. Tears made more through eye as she saw him. Harshad looks at Manik thinking how did he get here. Aryaman looks at him thinking who is he now.

Harshad walks to Manik.

Harshad : finally you get courage to face me Manik Khanna.

Manik looks at him.

Manik: so eager to see me. Well Harshad let me tell you today dead will body will go. Trust me you both will die. This time your crossed your limits.

Harshad: I will make sure you die first then me. Because of you I lost my sister. Because of you she is not with me. Only because of you...

Manik : just shut the fuck off. What you think I have murdered your sister then you highly mistake. Your sister. She died because of her foolishness. Who told her to love me, did I. No then. You were my friend but because of your sister you betrayed me. You know what harshad she died because she wanted it. She couldn't digest the fact I rejected her. Do you fucking even know what your sister went for me. To get me she nearly killed my Brother. If that day I didn't get know on that time Then only I know what I could lost. She fucking planted bomb in Neil car thinking it was mine but fortunate I took it and drove to isolated place. You heard it right. Your sister was mad over me just because I had money. She didn't loved me but only my money. Do even know what you sister does behind you. No because you were blind in your sister love. Only she Knows how many boy she slept with. I tried explaining you but you were jerk. Last time you destroyed my business to which you were in jailed. You fucking don't have brain. How could even Think I murdered your sister. I thought you were my true friend but no broke it my trust....

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