Chapter 4

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In hospital!

Avni was sitting in her cabin after completing one surgery. She had her eye closed and kept head on the desk when Nandini walked in and saw Avni resting. Nandini walks to Avni and calls avni's name.

Avni tilted her head and saw Nandini standing. She straightened herself and gives her smile. Nandini pulled chair beside Avni and sat down.

Nandini : you look tried.

Avni smiled.

Avni: surgery is too tiring for me.

Nandini: wanna go for coffee or home.

Hearing coffee, a smile grew bigger on Avni face. She licked her lips and looks at Nandini.

Avni : can we?

Nandini nods. Avni get happy and hugs Nandini. Nandini smiled at her Childish.

Nandini : we will in after hour as I have one patient to look.

Avni : ok. Di are you free now!

Nandini : yeah, I know you what you want. Come lie down.

Avni moved close to Nandini and put her head on her hap and closed her eye. Nandini creased her hair. Avni slept while Nandini kept stroking her hair.

Nandini looks at Avni and smiled. She kissed her forehead and slowly took her phone out and message peon to message her when it's time for her Patient.

While in Khanna house.
After competing his office work Neil came home and saw Swetha and praksh sitting, they were discussing something. Neil walked to them and sat beside Swetha and kept his head in her lap. Swetha ruffled his hair and called kaka to bring glass of water. While ruffling Neil hair Swetha asked Neil about Manik.

Swetha : Tillu, where is manu. Didn't he come with you?

Neil : mom Bhai went to meet music manage. He said he will be coming home straight from there.

At the same time Manik and entered. Neil saw Manik coming in.

Neil : here is your manu!

Swetha follows his gaze and Manik coming in. Manik looks them as they are staring at him like some alien entered inside.

Manik moved to Neil and sat beside him and took glass of water from and drank it.

Manik : what's Wong with you all?

Neil sat straight and looks at Manik.

Neil : nothing bhai, mom asking about you when you entered at same time.

Manik makes o and smiled at Swetha. Swetha moved to kitchen while three men were discussing about office work. Manik also informed them about his offered for music. Praksh and Neil congratulated Manik. Neil and Manik moved to their.

In hospital.
Nandini again went inform Avni about coffee after her patients. Both sister walked out of hospital and met
Receptionist on the way. Not greeted her and went toward Nandini car. Avni's car was taken by the driver as Avni wanted to travel in Nandini car. Both settled down and reached to one of the Famous cafe.

Nandini parked car. Both of them took table and ordered their coffee. Soon both were sipping their coffee when Nandini informed Avni something.

Nandini : Avni, tomorrow you have to mange yourself in hospital.

Avni : Di, you are not going. You okay na!

Nandini : tomorrow I have camp to dehil so I have to go their.

Avni : many of you going.

Nandini: a groups of us. Don't worry I will be back by night. Maa and papa knows expect from you.

Avni : I will miss you.

Nandini : I am going for one day.

Avni : still di, I can't live without your scold. It's part of my life.

Nandini : and you're my life.

Both finished their coffee. They payed bill and went back to malthore house.

In Khanna house.
Manik was in his room and working on his laptop, when Neil walked in.

Neil : bhai are you busy.

Manik looks from the screen and saw Neil. He gestured Neil to sit beside him. Neil sat beside him.

Manik : you what say something.

Neil : bhai Riya called today.

Manik : what did she say?

Neil : she wants to get married.

Manik : ok......... wait... married.

Neil looks at him.

Manik : Neil you can't he serious Riya and your marriage.

Neil looks at him with shocking face.

Neil : bhai not me.

Manik : then!

Neil: Riya wants to get Married with Ali.

Manik looks at him.

Manik : but why you telling me this.

Neil : she is confused.

Manik : about marriage!

Neil nods.

Manik : do one thing, tell her to visit us once then we will speak to her.

Neil : she said she will come today but don't where she is?

Manik :Neil is must got stuck in work. Don't worry inform her about this.

Neil : bhai one thing.

Manik : say!

Neil : can we visit Riya at our secret place.

Manik : no

Neil : ok!

Manik : Neil i don't want say no but you know na that place is only more Khanna siblings. We haven't visited that place since cutie pie left.

Neil : I will miss her too.

Manik : i am sorry Neil. For the first you asked and I denied you. Sorry.

Neil : i am sorry bhai . I shouldn't have asked.

Manik : if you want we can go to your favourite place.

Neil : I will text her then.

Manik : ok. Now go and sleep. Good night.

Neil : good night bhai.

Here is update who missed this story. I won't force you guys to read my stories but please check my new there stories . You can find them in my profile. By next week I will be updating others stories too.

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