Chapter 51

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Next morning everyone left the beach house early in the Morning. Vidyut and Juhi in one car whereas Avneil and manan Went together. Manik was driving while talking to his client on Bluetooth. Other three was listening to Manik.

Manik : yeah sure..... i will do video call soon...... sure... thank.... bye...

Manik cuts call and looks at Neil.

Manik : Neil go go office. Today I will not be able to attend as I'm going to site.

Neil : ok Bhai but Do call them.

Manik nods. Avni and Nandini was watching outside of window when Neil looked back.

Neil : Avni bhabhi you guys hungry.

Nandini : no, are you?

Neil nods no.

Manik while driving looks at his phone and saw message from unknown number. Manik smartly turned his phone back way so Neil Doesn't see. Manik stopped car at the corner.

All looks at him.

Neil: Bhai why did you stop here?

Manik : i have need to make call.

Neil nods. Manik got out car and went to Aside while Neil was doubting on Manik.

Neil povs: why I feel Bhai is hiding something but what? I need to find the truth.
Povs end.

Manik Other side was talking on his phone.

Manik: any news?

Caller : sir he is in Mumbai.

Manik : any more?

Caller : sir with him there is another man.

Manik : keep on them. I will meet you soon.

Manik cuts calls and turned to see Neil standing there. First he got shock but soon composed.

Manik : Neil why did you get out of car?

Neil : i want to know the truth. Who are you talking to?

Manik : I will explain you on correct time not now.

He moved to car. He was feeling Sad as he Spoke Rudely to Neil. While Neil knew Manik was hiding something. Neil went and sat in his seat but he didn't looked at Manik.

Neil took his phone out and plugged his earphone in ear starts listening to Music. Manik noticed all this but didn't react. Nandini and Avni was already sleep so they don't know what happened.

Manik woke Nandini and Avni up. Neil was still listening to music with his closed eye.

Avni rubbed eye and looks at Manik.

Manik : we reached.

Nandini & Avni looks outside and saw malthore House.

Nandini and Avni got out of car and bids bye to Manik. They noticed Neil with closed thinking he is tired so they didn't disturbed him. Both sister walks inside the house and went to their room.

Manik looks at Neil and starts driving.

Manik : they left. You can open your eye.

Hearing Manik Neil opened his eye and looks at the front.

Neil : i want to speak to you unless you tell me what are you hiding.

Manik : I don't want talk about that!

Neil : then don't but remember I am angry With you.

Manik : i know!

Manik stopped car front of Khanna house. Neil got out before Manik. Manik knew his anger so didn't say anything. He parked car and walks inside to see Bebe sitting. He went to her.

Manik : Bebe why you alone?

Bebe : my grandson were busy so thought of being Alone.

Manik realised he didn't spend time with Bebe.

Manik : sorry Bebe!

Bebe : I am kidding. I know how busy you both are.

Manik : Bebe promise after next week we will spend time. I need to go.

Bebe : done!

Manik leaves to his room. Manik took shower and wore his business suit.

Manik took his laptop and sat on couch. He video called his client and starts talking to him about deal.

While Neil was lying on bed and thinking about Manik words. He is not said that Manik spoke rudely but he is worried for Manik.

He held his hand and tried sleeping.
Neil closed his eye and remembered how Manik dedicate song for him. Tears welled remembering them.

At malthore house.
Avni took small nap and decide to go hospital in evening. She was sleep when Nandini walked in her room.
Nandini smiled and went to her closet and took file of one patient. She left after kissing her forehead.

Nandini got ready and sat in car. She was driving when someone stopped car front of hers. She got out of her car and went to see.

She knocked the car window. The guy from inside slide the window and looks at her.

Nandini : why have you stopped your car front my car?

He kept looking at her. Nandini got pissed up and opened the door and pulled him out of car.

Nandini : what's your problem? I am asking you but you!

Guy secretly took his handkerchief and placed it on her mouth. Nandini struggled herself but she failed. She fell on him losing her conscious. The guy picked her and put her on backseat. He say on driver seat and called someone.

Guy : work is done!

Caller : good bring her. Now it's will be fun. And what about Neil Khanna?

Guy: soon he will be there too.

He cuts call and looks at her.

While other side Neil woke up and saw time. He held his head and got up from bed and walks to his window.

Neil : I should visit Avni. I didn't even talked to her.

He walked out of his room leaving his phone behind. He didn't see no One.

He was driving to hospital as he thought she would be in hospital. He parked his car and was standing near his car when someone hit his head. Neil fell on the floor. The person took Neil to Neil car and drove to destination.

Avni was sleeping when her phone rang. She woke up by continuous phone call. She looked at her phone and saw cabir calling her.

Avni : hello Bhai!

Cabir : Avni could you Send your hospital number.

Avni : Bhai are you okay!

Cabir : I am. Actually my friend needs number. Could message me.

Avni : I will! How are you?

Cabir : mast but missing you both.

Avni : even i miss you.

Cabir : Avni I am getting call so talk to you later.

Avni : bye!

She cuts call and Message cabir her hospital number. After messing cabir Avni went to fresh up.

After having shower Avni took her stuff and left for hospital. In mid way she tried calling Neil but it went unanswered. She thought he is busy so she stopped.

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