Chapter 10

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Khanna and metha family sitting in Khanna private restaurant. Both mother already informed their children to come. Now both were waiting for them to come.

Outside of the restaurant. Neil and Manik parked their own car and met each other. Neil was shocked to see Manik there, same with Manik as their mother didn't inform them about she wanted both of them or they would have came together.

Neil : Bhai you here!

Manik : mom called you. Mom called you too.

Neil nods. Both found it strange.

Neil : shall we go.

Manik nods and was going when they heard car horns. Both turned and looks at another car entering.

Neil : Bhai how is this possible someone else coming without us here.

Manik : I am thinking same. What its mom and dad friend.

Neil : but still dad won't allow them in here without our permission.

Manik nods. They waited to see who came. Two people got of the car both men not shocked seeing girls. Manik was busy staring at who was wearing dress. He was lost in her while Neil was looking at girl who had black jean and red too with his mouth open. Neil Closed his mouth and looks at Manik who was still gazing her. Neil shook Manik bit. Manik looks at him.

Neil: Bhai what's wrong?

Manik : she is same girl who i told you.

Neil : really.

Manik nods.

Neil : but why she is here?

Manik : I don't know, let's ask her.

Manik was so lost in his girl didn't notice another girl was there. Girl in dress walks to towards them while red top girl went get something back from car.

Girl : why you following me again?

Both men's look at her then give confuse look to each other.

Girl : don't look at Each other. I am talking to you taller guy.

Neil Laughs hearing her while Manik gives her glare.

Neil : excuse whoever you don't talk about my brother like this.

Girl : you know what you brother did. 3 weeks ago he bumped to me but didn't apologies.

Neil looks at Manik.

Neil : Bhai when did this happen?

Manik tried remembering then realised his mistake. He immediately asked her sorry.

Manik : i am sorry for that day. I was in hurry that day. Sorry.

Girl : it's okay.

They smiled when the girl heard her sister voice. All three turns and saw red top girl walking to them. Neil was also lost In her. The way she was smiling.

Girl : Avni what took so long.

Avni reach to them.

Avni : sorry di, I couldn't find it.

Nandini : you find it.

Avni nods that time she saw Manik. She was about say hello when Neela words rang her head. Manik saw her and smiled at her.

Manik : hi Avni, remember me.

Neil also looks at his Brother then at Avni. Now he remembers she is the same one who Manik was talking about. Neil smiled to himself.

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