Chapter 28

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Avneil were looking for kushi to come out. Neil was looking around when Avni got call. Seeing call from hospital she looked at Neil.

Avni : I will be back.

Neil nods. Avni excused herself meanwhile Neil was looking for kushi when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned and saw kushi standing with Arav and Bebe. He pulled her in hug.

Neil : I missed you baby!

Kushi smiled in his hug.

Kushi : i missed you too Bhai but I am angry with you.

Saying this she broke hug and turns her face to arav. Bebe and arav smiled at them. Neil held his ear and moves front of kushi.

Neil : I am sorry baby!

Kushi melted and hugged him again. Neil smiled at her. Neil broke hug and met Bebe and arav.

Kushi: shall we leave now!

Neil : baby wait. I want you meet someone. She will be here.

Kushi looks at Neil.

Kushi : she? Who? When?

Neil gave disbelief look.

Neil : stop questioning so much. Look there is she......

He didn't complete as he saw kushi running to Avni and hugged her tightly. He was shocked to see Kushi hugging Avni. Arav smiled seeing Avni so did Bebe. Neil stood with his mouth opened. Arav chuckled seeing him like That. He stood beside Neil and spoke.

Arav: close your Mouth!

Neil immediately closed his mouth and looks at Arav for answers.

Arav : look their for your answer.

Neil followed Arav gaze and saw Avni and kushi breaking hug. He also tears in both eyes. Kushi held Avni hand brought her to others. Neil was still confuse. Neil looked at avni who was smiling seeing kushi.

Neil : will Someone tell me what's just happened?

Avni looks at Neil and realised she came something else. She went to Neil. Others looked at them.

Avni : Neil she is my friend bhabhi.

Neil looks at kushi then at avni.

Neil : bhabhi?

Kushi : Avni how do you know Neil bhai?

Avni looks at kushi.

Avni : Bhai?

Neil: she is my sister who we came to pick.

Avni : sorry bhabhi I didn't thought.

Kushi : why sorry but I am so confuse how you Bhai together when you both never met.

Neil smiled.

Neil : baby I will explain you in car. Shall we leave now.

Others nods. They all moved to Neil car. Neil put their luggage inside the boot. He settled himself in driver sit and turned music on.

Neil : Bebe I will drop you all at farmhouse for today.

Bebe : Neil you didn't say how you know Avni?

Neil : Bebe actually we both going to get married.

Others looked at Neil with shocked face while avni blushed when he mentioned about the marriage.

Kushi : when did this happen?

Neil narrated them. After Neil finished Bebe looked at avni who was looking outside of window.

Bebe : Avni

Avni turns and looks at Bebe. Even kushi and arav looks at Bebe.

Bebe : that's why I thinking I might have known you but now I am happy you going to marry Neil.

Avni smiled. Neil stopped car front of farmhouse. They all got out and went inside. Neil told one butler to take their Luggage and put it in room. while settled in living room. Butler served drink to everyone when Neil got up.

Neil : Bebe I need to leave now.

Bebe : take care then!

Neil nods and takes Bebe blessing.

Neil : come Avni.

Avni looks at Bebe. Bebe smiled seeing her gesture.

Bebe : go!

She nods and takes blessing of Bebe and walked out.

Kushi : they make perfect pair.

Bebe nods.

Neil was stopped car front of phone shop and looked at avni. Avni too looked at him. Neil was going to leave out the car when Avni held his hand. He turned and looks at her.

Avni : Neil it's not needed.

Neil : I know you don't want to me to buy it but keep it as gift for me please.

Now she can't refuse him as he used himself.

Avni gave him nods. Both moved inside the shop. A man saw them and welcomed.

Man : how could I help you sir ma'am?

Neil : could you please show us new phone!

Man nods and starts showing them phone. Neil was busy selecting while avni was busy admiring him. She was admiring his face, smile, cute pouts and what not. She lost in him when he looked at her. Seeing her lost he snapped his finger at her and asked her what. Avni nods no.

Neil showed her phone.

Neil: how is this?

Avni took the phone.

Avni : it's better. I will take it.

Neil nods and give to man.

Neil : please pack this!

Man nods and gave to Someone to pack it. Man brought and gave it to Neil.

Neil tanked him.

Neil : how much?

Man : 10000 rupee ( i don't know how much phone cost India)

Neil took his wallet and give the card man but was pulled by Avni. Neil looks at her.

Neil : give card to him.

Avni : I will pay!

Neil : Avni I am buying for you so let me pay. Now give card back to him.

Avni : no!

Neil : Avni give it!

Avni : I will only give one condition.

Neil : and what's the condition?

Avni : that you will not buy any gift for me.

Neil : ok but can't give guarantee.

Avni : Neil?

Neil : what? Avni give it!

Avni give it but still she was not happy seeing Neil paying for her phone.

After taking phone and payment both left the shop. They sat in car. Avni was looked outside of the car. Neil started the car.

Neil : sorry! Don't be angry!

Avni didn't turned but kept looking outside. Neil looked at her last time and focused on driving as he knew Avni won't listen to him.

He dropped her to hospital. Avni ran out the car without saying anything. Neil looks at her going.

Neil : what have I done now? Is she angry because I paid the bill?

He questioned himself. He too left for his office.

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