Chapter 60

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Neil was sitting in his room after meeting malthore and his family. He was about cry when there was knock. He drank his tears back and looks at the door and saw Manik standing.

Neil : come in bhai!

Manik walks inside and sat next to Neil.

Manik : you okay!

Neil : don't know! Bhai what has happened between us?

Manik : nothing has happened Neil. It's just she is hurt. Things will be fine. Give some time.

Neil : bhai what if she doesn't want this marriage.

Manik : did she say it?

Neil nods no.

Manik : just listen to your heart. I know you both can't live without each other. You both need to understand value of relationships. I am not saying she is fault in this but you are also. That day you shouldn't have left her alone when she needed you. As time pass things will heal. Have faith on your love.

Neil : bhai what about you?

Manik : I am just believing what god wants us from our life. You ready for marriage then.

Neil : hmm!

Manik : sleep!

Neil : no! I can't sleep!

Manik : lie down!

Neil : please bhai!

Manik : come with me.

Neil nods. Manik takes Neil somewhere but didn't noticed someone saw them going. The person walks towards the room and walks inside.

Person : Avni?

Avni turns and saw Nandini coming in.

Avni : Di why you shouting?

Nandini sat next to her an looks at her.

Nandini : has something happened between you and Neil.

Avni : no di but what made you think like that.

Nandini : nothing! I Asked as he went out with Manik.

Avni : now!

Nandini nods. Avni looks at time.

Nandini : he will be fine but Avni are you sure nothing has happened.

Avni : Di woh...actually...

Avni tells what happened at farmhouse then Neil accident. And also how both are avoiding each other. Nandini looks at avni all shocked.

Nandini : does anyone know about you both.

Avni : cabir bhai and Manik bhai.

Nandini : I am sorry Avni I wasn't with you. Sorry!

Avni : no di its not your fault. Please don't say sorry.

Nandini : what have you thought then?

Avni : I don't know.

Nandini : why don't you solve your problem with him?

Avni : no I won't! Why should I do it? It's was his decision to ignore me. I was going apology to him but he wanted to be away from me.

Nandini : maybe he thinks you don't want to with him.

Avni : whatever is but I won't forgive him until he doesn't say sorry. He made me cry so much. Does he think i am baby who he will make cry. I won't forgive him not even after our marriage.

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