Chapter 35

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Next morning everyone wake up early. They all fresh up and was sitting on dining table when Nandini came along with Neil. Nandini saw everyone and wished them good morning. Her eye looked for one person but couldn't find him. Neil saw this but kept quiet as Manik said not inform Nandini where he is going.

Neil took sit beside Avni and smiled at her.

Neil : good morning you all!

They wished him back. Juhi starts serving vidyut. Avni did same to Neil. Neil gave her her smile. Nandini looked at the stairs if he is coming or not. She looked at her plate when he didn't turned up.

Juhi was serving mukti when she realised Manik wasn't there. She looks at Neil and saw him eating.

Juhi : Bhai do you know where Manik bhai is?

This time everyone too realised Manik being missing. Nandini thanked Juhi in her mind. Neil stopped eating and looks at Juhi.

Neil : he went out for some work. He told us we could roam around goa. Also Bhai won't join us today.

Juhi nods but Nandini looks sad hearing This. She didn't wanted to alone without him. The reason she came was only for him. Avni was noticing this too.

After having breakfast all settle down in lawn when they heard Manik voice. They all looked at the door and saw him entering inside while talking on phone. Nandini got relief seeing him.

Manik cuts call and looks and saw others staring him. He moved to them and wished them good morning.

They wished him back too. Manik took sit beside Neil.

Manik : so what the plan for today?

Neil : we thought to go beach! Bhai why don't you come?

Manik : Neil i have work. Plus my head is hurting. Sorry but I promise I will join you guys from tomorrow.

Avni : This is not Bhai!

Manik : sorry!

Avni : not accepted!

Manik : what I have to do?

Avni : ginger tea!

Manik : what?

Avni : you have headache so ginger tea will help you.

Manik : it's okay Avni, I will take rest!

Avni : Bhai please I will make it.

Neil : that the reason I hate doctor!

Others laughed at Neil but he got glared from Avni.

Avni : I will see you later.

Neil : I am waiting!

Avni went to make ginger tea and while going she signed Nandini to come. Nandini went to kitchen without getting noticed by them.

She saw Avni making tea.

Nandini : what happened?

Avni : Di make ginger tea!

Nandini : you said you will make then why me?

Avni : I am giving you chance to him your past. He is not going with us so tell him.

Nandini : what if I fail?

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