I'm Jealous of How Easily He Falls Asleep

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It took forever but they finally got to Kirishima's house.
It was a nice place, not too shabby.
"My parents are in America right now, so they won't be back for a while," Kirishima sighed, then suddenly a grin crossed his face. "That means you can come over everyday!"
"As if, Shitty Hair." But he too was smiling.

They walked into the house and locked the door behind them, Kiri quickly scampered up the stairs. 'Kiri? What have I become?' Bakugou followed behind.
Kirishima's room was very different from what he imagined, but he was not at all shocked. Punching bags, weights, and just about any work out gear imaginable. Kirishima followed Bakugou's gaze.
"Oh, it's cuz I'm so-"
"Manly?" Bakugou cut him off.
"Yeah! Exactly." He grinned. "You're really manly yourself, Bakubro!"
Now that got Bakugou to do one of his rare softer smiles.
Kirishima stared, luckily Bakugou didn't seem to realise. Pink spread across his cheeks.
"So umm make yourself at home! I have food in the fridge because you know, that's what fridges are for..." Kirishima realised he was rambling.
"Nah, I'm good."
"You sure?"
"Yeah. That's what I just fucking said!"
"Okay okay, so wanna watch a movie? I've got loads, most I'm borrowing from Kaminari."

Before Kirishima knew it, the movie was finished and Bakugou had his head resting on Kirishima's shoulder. Kiri peered at his face. 'Aw, he's so cute!' Kirishima sighed, this probably won't be very comfortable for him.
Kirishima picked up the unconscious Bakugou and made sure he was comfortable.
'Damn, he's so much lighter than I thought! Does he eat enough?" Bakugou began to stir and Kirishima realised he'd need to hurry up.
He carried him up the stairs and placed him on his bed. He pulled the sheets right up and made sure he wasn't too cold.
'Oh my god, he's so cute!!'

If y'all wanna know what movie they're watching, it was My Little Pony.

I know, this is awful.
If you want to kill me because it's so awful, feel free.
I'm writing it because I can't sleep so that's probably why it's so bad.
Wait... I have exams tomorrow I didn't revise for.
*Ultimate Facepalm*

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