Okay, Goodnight

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"Oh no, we are fucking not!" Bakugou yelled, grabbing the phone out of Kirishima's hand.

"Kat, we have to! The Height's Alliance has reopened!" Kirishima laughed, trying to grab it back. Bakugou pushed the redhead's face away, standing up on his tiptoes. Kirishima moved his face away and reached up one hand, grabbing the phone back. Bakugou stood flat on his feet again and huffed.

"Woah, Kat!" Bakugou raised an eyebrow. "You've shrunk!" He yelled, gesturing from the top of his own head to the air above the spiky ball of blonde. Bakugou repeated the gesture, going from the top of his head to Kirishima's eyebrows. He did it again, his confusion growing.

"Wait, what the fuck?" He did it once more before Kirishima grabbed his hand.

"Oh my god Katsuki, I feel so tall! I need to tell everyone!" Kirishima smiled. He turned on his phone then grinned evilly at Katsuki. He looked back up from the screen and lightly kissed the top of Bakugou's head. Bakugou jumped back.

"What the fuck Shithead?!" He blushed heavily.

"I've always wanted to do that." Kirishima smirked. He reached out his arms and hugged Katsuki, still with his phone in his hand. Bakugou tried to escape the hug but gave up quickly. Kirishima turned on his phone again, still hugging, and began typing.

Weird Haired Shark🦈: Guyssssssss!
Pikachu Pow Pow⚡️⚡️: whaaaatttttttt
Weird Haired Shark🦈: Wait, who changed the names?
Spider Man Disaster🕸🕷: Not me
Chewed Gum🐷: Not me either!!!!!!!
Pikachu Pow Pow⚡️⚡️: probably bakugou
Pikachu Pow Pow⚡️⚡️: anyway what were you saying
Weird Haired Shark🦈: I'm taller than Bakugou!
Spider Man Disaster🕸🕷: Nice
Chewed Gum🐷: Yasss!!!! 🎉🎉
Pikachu Pow Pow⚡️⚡️: finally bro

Kirishima quickly texted his moms quickly about returning to the dorms. He switched his phone off again.

"Can you fucking get off me already?" Bakugou groaned. Kirishima had completely forgotten that he had trapped him in a bear hug.

"Oh damn, sorry!" He let go and Bakugou inhaled heavily.

"I'm fucking free!" Bakugou span around before collapsing heavily onto the couch. Kirishima jumped onto the space next to him. "Hey watch it, I was sitting here first! Go find your own seat!" Bakugou yelled, pushing the redhead off.

"Hey babe this was made for three people, you can't take up the entire thing!" Kirishima pushed the blonde back lightly before standing up. "We have to go anyway, remember?" Bakugou groaned.

"Fuuuuuck no! And don't call me babe." He complained. "Plus I can't fucking go! I'm wearing a damn dress!"

"Would you rather I call you honey? Darling? Hottest man on the damn planet?" Kirishima grinned. "And you have to go."

Bakugou pushed his face away. "Noooooooo." He thought for a second. "Fine, you can call me... babe. As long as you don't fucking call me the rest of them. And definitely not in front of other people." He looked at Kirishima, deadly serious.

"Pfffft fine then." Kirishima laughed. "You're so cute when you're mad."

"I'm always mad," Bakugou said. He looked at the redhead in confusion.

Kirishima giggled. "Exactly." He poked the blonde on the nose, causing him to turn red and move back in embarrassment. "Now get your lazy ass up, we have to go!"


"Wait is that Kirishima?" Kaminari asked his boyfriend, squinting. He was sitting on a large rock near the Heights Alliance, to the tall boy with dark hair standing next to him. Mina was off in the distance with the other students, no doubt asking for free food,

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