Mom... And Mom

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Kirishima's PoV

"Okay, it's just over here," I pointed at my, not all that impressive, house. Bakugou turned to see it, giving me another look at the cut on his face. I swear if I find out someone did this to him, I'll--- I shake my head, there's no point getting angry over it now, Katsuki is my main priority.

"Nice place," He mumbled from under his hood. I frowned, it was weird to see Katsuki so quiet. I swear my heart is breaking into a million pieces.

I grabbed his hand gently and pulled him toward my house. "Come on, hurry! I need you to meet my moms!!" He smiled and chuckled, following after me.

Bakugou's PoV

I swear, his smile is deadly. Whenever he flashes his shark-like teeth like that it makes my heart melt. It's infuriating.

I found myself running after him to his simple but nice house. It didn't strike me as somewhere he'd live, it was actually neat after all. It was really weird. Maybe his mom cleans up really well? Whoever this lady is, I have to meet her. She manages to keep Eiji AND his mess under control.

It's weird to think I had been here only a few days ago, I wasn't really paying attention to it before though. I've completely forgotten what it all looks like, to be honest.

"Jeez slow down! I'm gonna fall flat on my face any second now!" I yelled, but I completely failed to stop smiling so I must've looked stupid as fuck. He carried on running though, completely ignoring my perfectly reasonable request.

We arrived at his front door, it was a simple wood design but with carved flowers, birds and other wild shit. I wanted to take a step back to admire it, but I was afraid I'd accidentally let go of Kiri's hand. Don't fucking judge me.

"And we're here!" He announced and turned the handle on his door. He looked down when he realised the door wasn't opening. "Oops, I think it's locked." He said with that stupid look on his face. Stupidly cute. And stupidly stupid. This fucking asshole is messing with my brain! He's not cute, he's just stupid.

He rung the doorbell instead and almost immediately I heard the door click. It unlocked and I saw a lady with long and curly coral pink hair, appear from behind it. Her eyes looked extremely similar to Kirishima's but more pink and round, her smile was also like his but without the sharp teeth. When the door opened further I saw another lady appear with dark, short hair and pale skin, she was a bit taller than the pinkish one. She also looked like Kirishima, her smile was more of a smirk but I could see her sharp teeth. Her eyes were almond shaped and extremely dark.

Are they both Kirishima's biological parents? How is that possible? They're both women as far as I could tell. Maybe they're just related to him in a different way.

"Hey mom... And mom," Kirishima smiled, laughing. So I guess they are both his moms. He stepped in through the door and I hesitantly followed after him. "Okay, you can just leave your shoes by the door." Kiri said as he kicked off his own and left them lying and unorganised. It pissed me off.

"Eijirou!" The dark haired Kirishima said. "What have I told you about leaving your shoes everywhere?" She spotted me trying to organise them. "No, it's okay." She said and I put the shoes down. "I'm sure Eijirou can tidy his own shoes." She looked expectantly at the redhead.

"Ugh fiiiiiiiiiine!" Kirishima said and went to sort them out.

The dark haired lady looked at me again. "Oh, what happened to your face?" She inspected it. "Shio! Can you get me the first aid kit?" The other lady, Shio, nodded and looked through a cupboard. "You're looking really pale kiddo, deep breaths." I just realised how quickly I was breathing, I deeply inhaled and slowly exhaled.

"How did this happen?" I shook my head, she nodded gently. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me until you're ready." She grabbed the first aid kit from her wife and began cleaning the cut.

"Oh sorry for being so rude, my name's Kishi." She smiled. She pointed toward the pink haired lady who had placed the first aid kit. "That's Shiori, my wife." She winked at her.

"You can call me Shio, dear." The kind looking lady smiled. She looked so similar to Kirishima when she did that. "I've cleaned up Eijirou's room so you can go in there if you want but I'll have some dinner and cake ready in 15 minutes." I nodded. Eiji gestured for me to come up stairs with him after saying goodbye to his parents. I followed after him after thanking the two women for their help.

Sorry for taking so long I've been sooooooooooooo busy and it sucked.
But thanks so much for 3.94k reads!
This chapter isn't really that good or meaningful but here it is.

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