We are not staying at mine

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Sero's PoV

While Kirishima, Mina and Bakugou were talking, I quickly tried to sneak out of the room. It was getting way too crowded for my liking in there. I held my ear against the door for a second, making sure nobody noticed I was gone and tried to ask me where I was going.

I walked into the nearest bathroom and sat on the closed toilet lid, pulling out my phone. I searched in the address that Kirishima said Kaminari would be held at. I felt hopeful about being able to save him, he wasn't too far away. I looked at all the locations near that area and remembered every trip I'd ever gone to them. Most of them were with Kaminari and my other friends, since my parents didn't live around here. I remembered all the adventures we'd had.

Growling, I realised I had allowed a tear to roll out of my eye, I was going to wipe it away but when I felt more seeping down my face I realised there was no point. I lifted my knees to my face and rolled myself up into a ball.

Bakugou's PoV

"In all seriousness. If the League doesn't kill him, I will." I said, the other two clearly didn't believe me as they grinned happily. I couldn't help but smile a little too, I was away from villains again. Then I remembered Kaminari and frowned.

I'd never before been able to get away from any villain on my own, people kept on having to save me. I groaned angrily, I was so pathetic. The other two looked at me, confused at my suddenly noise but I glared at them and they looked away. Kirishima held my gaze for a little longer than Mina, he seemed concerned for some reason. I felt myself glaring harder, I was so pathetic, everyone either hates me or pities me.

"Wait where the hell did Sero go?" Mina asked suddenly. I blinked the tears out of my eyes hard then scanned the room. He had left or something. I looked at the doorway and saw the door had opened slightly.

"He probably needs some alone time." Kirishima said calmly. I never understood how he always seemed so relaxed and mature, it was infuriatingly attractive. I didn't say anything though. We sat in silence for a bit, none of us knowing what to do.

Mina clapped her hands loudly and we turned to face her, I was grateful that she made the atmosphere less uncomfortable.

"Well guys, Kaminari isn't going to save himself! He would probably try but let's be honest, he's doomed to fail." She took her phone out of her back pocket. "We need to come up with a plan of action." I agreed silently, Kirishima nodded. The pink girl smiled. "I'll text Sero that we're gonna start plotting."

We waited for a few minutes and we were about to begin scheming, but the dark haired boy finally showed up. He flopped down on to his bed and sat straight, buzzing with newfound energy. Is it weird to say I felt... proud of him? He was doing much better than he was not long ago, and he was brave enough to decide to join us on this stupid adventure.

"Okay guys, first of all how are we going to get there?" Sero rocked gently side to side in enthusiasm. I couldn't help but smile as he wasn't as quiet or sad looking as before. I covered my face so nobody saw.

Mina nodded, she knew this was an important part of the plan. She seemed proud as if she had already come up with an idea for that.

"We found out that the villains' base is very close to Bakugou's home." The alien girl said. I felt myself tense up. "We could stay there for a while and wait until the villains leave before leaping in heroically." Kirishima grinned.

"We are not doing that!" I yelled, jumping up. They all turned to me. I felt myself shrink on the spot. I continued none the less, I couldn't risk my friends getting hurt.

"First of all, how the chicken flavoured FUCK do you guys know where I live?!" I asked angrily. Mina looked at, he looked back at her with the same expression. They both looked incredulous. I faced them with as much rage as I could muster, as if to yell 'WHAT?' loudly in their faces.

"Your snapchat location is on, dummy!" She pointed to her phone. I growled. Not as bad a scenario as I had thought. Honestly, I don't know what I had thought.

"What's your other point?" Kirishima asked. I was puzzled. He smirked as if I had forgotten something. "You said 'first of all...' so clearly you had something else to say." I gulped, he was right. Unfortunately I didn't want to share the other reason anymore, it didn't matter much anyway.

"Oh I forgot." I stated blankly.

"Then it's settled right?" Soy Sauce asked. "We're staying at Bakugou's until the villains go then we'll jump in and grab Kaminari?" Mina and Kirishima nodded in agreement. I gritted my teeth so hard I felt as though they'd break.

Sorry for taking so long, I had a psychology exam if you haven't seen me say before.
Also this wasn't a great chapter but I'll try to update is as soon as I can.
Thanks for 58k reads!

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