Loud Blondes

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"Which one do you want?" A young man's voice spoke out in the dark room.

"Bring me the loud blonde one, the one the League is after." A deeper, more gruff voice added to the cold atmosphere. "Do not fail again."

"As you wish."


Bakugou threw himself down onto the bed, hiding his face in Kirishima's hoodie, which he was still wearing. He quietly breathed in heavily, the hoodie stunk of his boyfriend and cookies.

"I'm never doing that again," Katsuki groaned. Kirishima laughed. Bakugou lifted one side of the hood up, revealing a very angry looking red eye. "I'm fucking serious." The redhead covered his grin with one hand as the blonde scowled.

"Awhhh, you look so cute though!" Bakugou quickly tried to make sure the hood was covering his full face again. It didn't work, Eijirou could see how red his face had become.

Kirishima heard a sound like a bell and picked up his phone.

Pikachu Pow Pow ⚡️⚡️: bro you need to come over here
Pikachu Pow Pow ⚡️⚡️: the ice-cream is half off today

Kirishima grinned.

Weird Haired Shark 🦈: K bro, be there in a sec!

He put the phone back into his pocket.

"Hey 'Suki? Wanna come out to get ice-cream with me?" Kirishima patted him on the leg. Bakugou sighed.

"Fucking hell, not again." He said and turned over.

"C'mon pleaaase!" Kirishima sat down on the bed next to him and pulled off the blonde' hood. He was met with an angry scarlet gaze.

"Fine, but I'm getting dressed first." He jumped off the bed, instantly going through his clothes, tucked away in his closet. He picked out a white shirt. Bakugou looked at it weirdly. He hadn't been able to wear it before because of his scars, but Kirishima's mom gave him that tea that made them disappear. Katsuki shrugged.

He threw it onto the bed, along with a pair of black ripped jeans.


"Hey dudes sorry for taking so long!" Eijirou waved at the blonde and dark haired idiots in front of him. The two were wearing matching outfits, black shirts with Kaminari's saying 'Queen' and Sero's saying 'Loyal Subject' along with denim jeans. Bakugou rolled his eyes, sercretly impressed.

Bakugou turned to glare at the redhead.

"You never said they'd be here!" Bakugou growled, gesturing towards the two.

"C'mon Kat, they're our friends!" The blonde just sighed.

Kaminari grinned at them. "Mina's still coming, she just said she can't find the right lipgloss shade so she'll be a while." As if on cue, a pink girl walked up to them grinning. Mina smiled pointing to her mouth.

"Gays! Doesn't this hot pink suit my eyeshadow!"Kaminari and Bakugou nodded, the others two just shrugged. "Nice to see that you two have taste, and I'm sorry that the others do not."She scowled at Kirishima and Sero.

"Okay dudes, let's go get some goddam ice-cream!" Kaminari said, pointing in the opposite direction to where the ice-cream was. The others just sighed and began walking in the right direction. Kaminari ran to catch up.

They were walking for a while when they were stopped by a tall figure. The man wore a dark hoodie and his eyes were hidden under a cap. The figure opened his mouth. "You guys UA kids?"

"What's it to you?!" Bakugou said, stepping to the front of the group, making sure the others stayed behind him. Kaminari pushed forward.

The figure opened up their jacket to reveal merchandise of many of the 1A students.

"I'm a huge fan! Oh my god!" The man laughed, lifting his hat up, revealing his bright blue eyes. "Please!" He grabbed a notebook from his pocket and a pen. "Sign this please!"

Bakugou looked at the man suspiciously but Kamianari grabbed the pen and quickly wrote his name. He passed the pen over to Bakugou who reluctantly signed his as well.

The man looked at his watch. "Oh my god, I'm late! I'm so sorry I could get your signatures as well. I'm huge fans of yours as well I promise, I can't wait to tell my kids I've met you all."

The man zipped up his hoodie and ran off.

"Well that was weird..." Sero laughed, the others joined in too and made their way to the ice-cream shop.


"I've found them sir." A man pressed his finger to the machine clipped onto his ear. He took a notepad from his dark hoodie's pocket. He flicked through it to a page with their names on it. "There were two of them, their names were Kaminari Denki and Bakugou Katsuki."

Yeah, this is why my English teacher hates me.

I'm so sorry for taking so long to update by the way, and sorry for this really bad and rushed chapter.

Thanks for 23K reads though! As this is already the 40th chapter.

And it was All Might's birthday yesterday oops

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