The Old Hag

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[Trigger Warnings]

Bakugou's POV

I turned quickly and saw my mother, she was red faced and obviously extremely drunk.

The hag threw something at me and I ducked, covering my face with my hands.

Glass rained down onto me. What she had thrown was obviously a bottle.

"DID YA HEAR ME, BRAT?" She yelled.

"Ye-yes," I answered shakily.

She swung her leg at me and I didn't move out the way, knowing that it would anger her further.

Her foot hit me in the stomach and I doubled over.

"Fucking pathetic, I can't believe I raised a weakling like you." She turned away and walked into the kitchen.

"Fucking hag." I whispered under my breath. She spun instantly, she heard me. No shit.

"What did you just say?!" She grabbed my hair and collar, lifting me up.


"Liar!" She dropped me back onto the stairs and walked into the kitchen.


I ran up the stairs as quickly and quietly as possible to my room. When I got in I locked the door behind me. I had created this lock myself, when my mom had started drinking. It wasn't a bad lock, if I say so myself.

I ran into my en suite bathroom and checked the mirror. My hair in some places appeared red from the blood and some dripped down the back of my neck and face.

I looked closer and saw that I had a bit glass sticking into my head but not a worrying amount, I looked over my hands and saw that they had taken most of the glass shards.

I grabbed my first aid kit and began cleaning the wounds and bandaging them.

I removed most of my old bandages as they weren't needed, even the one on my face was unnecessary now.

The more I looked at the bandages covered in blood, the more urges I feel.

I can't take it any more. I grab a shard of glass and make cuts on my arm, each one would definitely leave a scar.

I could see tears dropping onto my arm around the blood. I'm such a fucking weakling.

I can't imagine what it'd be like if Kirishima saw me like this, he'd be disgusted and ashamed. I can't let him know about any of this.
It's not his fault, he doesn't have to deal with it.

Oh my god, is it not possible for me to write happy things for long?
But anyways, thank you for reading! It's pretty darn bad and it doesn't help that I wrote this on my phone, so sorry about that.

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