Uh Oh

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Trigger warning for this chapter
As Kirishima lifted the duvet to get under it, he was met with something he didn't realise before.
Bandages lined his best friend's arms. Kirishima lifted the duvet up further to investigate until he realised that Bakugou had woken up.
"The fuck is it, Shitty Hair? Just go to sleep."
"Okay." He nodded with a nagging feeling at the back of his head.

Bakugou's POV

Damn, did Kiri see my bandages? God, I hope he doesn't think much of them. If he found out what they were from, he'd be disgusted.
For now I guess I'm gonna have to sleep as best I can.
3rd Person PoV Again
Shaking, Bakugou found himself in the 1a classroom chained up like he was at the Sports Festival.
"You're a beast!" They yelled.
So many of them were calling him names. "Useless! Weak! Evil! Villain!" Every one of those names hammered their way into his mind.
His best friend, Kirishima stepped forwards.
"Pathetic," he spat. "I expected more from such a monster."
Bakugou's heart felt like it was shattering into a million pieces.
"Nobody could ever love a monster like you."
Bakugou woke up with tears pouring down his face.
He looked over to the alarm clock, it was around 2 in the morning.
Then he looked round to Kiri. Asleep still.
Bakugou got up quickly and quietly making sure not to wake Kirishima up.
He walked into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He looked around and scrambled for whatever he could find that would work.
Finally he found an unopened box of razors and broke one of them and took the blades.
He unravelled the bandages on his arms then took the blades, creating deep gashes on his forearm and upper arm.
'Kiri won't find out about this right...?'
Bakugou thought for a second.
'No, I won't let him."
He looked around but the only bandages he could find were still in their wrapping. That would be too suspicious.
The best thing Bakugou could think of doing was using his old ones, the cuts could get infected but at least Kiri won't find out.
He crept out of the bathroom and resumed the same position as he was in before next to Kirishima.
Kirishima woke up around two or three and saw Bakugou exactly as he was before but seemingly more uncomfortably and seemingly in pain. Is he okay? Is he having nightmares or something.
Kirishima did something that he knew he'd probably regret in the morning.
He wrapped his arms around Bakugou and pulled him close.
He kissed him on the head and whispered.
"I love you Bakugou..."
Bakugou tried desperately but couldn't get back to sleep.
He shut his eyes and felt Kirishima's arms wrap around him and he whispered something that Bakugou wouldn't forget for the rest of his probably short life.

Really bad sorry.

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