Big Oof

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These chapter names get worse every time

"Dammit Katsuki, I was looking forward to that ice cream." Kirishima sighed as his boyfriend wiped chocolate off his face, grinning in satisfaction.

"Ha!" Bakugou cackled, finishing off his own ice cream. The strawberry dessert collected around his mouth slightly, looking like blood. Eijirou stifled a laugh, instead putting on a frown. Kirishima tried to look as sad as possible, wiping fake tears from his eyes. Bakugou's smile twitched downwards slightly.

The blonde looked at Kirishima, then to his ice cream. He looked so guilty that Kirishima felt the need to hug him. Bakugou slowly slid his half eaten ice cream to Kirishima, wiping the rest off his face. Kirishima immediately felt awful.

"Oh god Katsuki. No I was kidding! You can have your ice cream." Kirishima protested frantically. One of Bakugou's eyebrows arched upwards in confusion, while the other pointed down so quickly it looked painful. Immediately he snatched his ice cream back and began devouring it. Eijrou laughed.

When Bakugou was finished, he glared at the redhead. "That was not funny Ei—-Shima! Kirishima!" He frantically tried to fix his sentence. "You fucking Hair for Brains! Redheaded piece of—-!" Kirishima shushed him with a hug, Bakugou clawed for an escape. "GAH! What is it with you and hugs?"


Once everyone had finished their ice creams, they began to head back to the dorms. Shinsou, Ojiro and Monoma were the last ones to leave, saying that they'd at least get some alcohol in their system before going. Kirishima assumed they were joking. Ojiro didn't seem the kind of person to do that, he was too innocent. Then again, he did call Midoriya a fuckwipe once.

Bakugou and Kirishima were the first to leave, the blonde had been complaining about how he wanted to go to bed and sleep for the next seven years. Kirishima couldn't agree more.

"Hey, Kat?" Kirishima said once they got to their area of the Heights Alliance. Bakugou turned. "Do you wanna stay in my room tonight? Or you good?" Bakugou opened his mouth to speak before shutting it. Kirishima mentally raised an eyebrow.

"Maybe tomorrow, I guess." Bakugou shrugged. "Today I'm just way too fuckin' tired." Kirishima nodded knowingly. Bakugou instantly took off the hoodie he was wearing and chucked it to the redhead. They waved each other goodbye before heading their separate ways, a whole room apart! The pain! The agony! And Kirishima headed off to bed.


Bakugou slowly walked into his bathroom, quietly locking the door behind him. The blonde rummaged through his cupboards looking for toothpaste when his hand glided over something. Tentatively, he picked it up and brought it closer to see. It was the box he kept his razors in.

Bakugou's first instinct was to blow it up on sight. His second one was clearly the less wise one.

He slowly opened the lid, looking at all the gleaming metal inside. He took a sharp looking one and held it closer to the light so the light shone off it.

The past few nights he hadn't been able to use these, despite needing to badly. Time with his mother only made him remember how much pain he caused. He felt awful, knowing it was all his fault.

Bakugou set the box down onto his sink, gripping the object in his hand. A small amount of blood leaked from his fingers where the blade sank into his skin. He winced slightly but didn't make any sound. He gripped tighter and more blood came, spilling onto the floor.

The red eyed boy took the blade into his other hand, holding it out over his arm.

It was all his fault. His father wouldn't have left if he wasn't such a screw up. The blade cut into his exposed skin. Mom wouldn't be drunk all the time. Another cut. She'd be happy. More and more sliced up his arm. You've ruined their lives. A few tears joined the blood seeping down his wrist. And now... Blood was all over his jeans. You're going to ruin Kirishima's life too. Bakugou imagined Kirishima's happy face, suddenly cold and covered in tears. Another cut, deeper than the others.

Bakugou slammed his fist, still holding the blade, into the wall. The sharp edge was facing into his palm, red spilled. Bakugou watched as it dripped down onto the wall. No, Bakugou thought. I'm not going to let myself ruin him. If I ruin his life, I'll never forgive myself. His expression hardened. I'm not going to let anyone ruin his life.

He sighed, sitting back with his head against the wall. He dropped the blade back into the container deciding that he was done. He got up and packed it away, cleaning himself and everything else covered in blood. He didn't have any bandages left so he messily wrapped toilet roll around his arm to stop the blood.

He opened the bathroom door quietly, shutting behind gently. He slowly walked off to his bed and collapsed.

[And also Uraraka's party is happening tomorrow not today, that was a mistake last chapter sorryyyyy]

Yo. Sorry but happiness can't last for longer than a few chapters.
Also sorry for how cringey and bad this is, I'm especially awful at writing angst despite how much I love it.
Thanks so much for 34k reads you amazing people!

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