Happy Really Really Really Late Birthday Baku

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Bakugou's PoV

I faced myself in the mirror in front, I looked like a mess. The black dress Kirishima gave me fit really well, surprisingly. It was pretty short, reaching nowhere near my knees, while the sleeves were long and thin. The most annoying part, though, was the large triangular cut-out by my collar. It started right by the top of the dress and ended in a point by my sternum. The rest of my chest was, thankfully, covered up.

I unlocked the bathroom door and stomped out, into Kirishima's room. I was so ready to beat him up. My fists were clenched so tightly, my nails were digging into my flesh. I could practically feel myself smoking.

Kirishima sat patiently on his bed, waiting to see how stupid I looked in this dress. He picked up his mug from the table by his bed and took a long sip of whatever drink he had. When I appeared at his doorway, he looked over and spat it out all over his floor.

"Yeah I know, I look stupid. Luckily, I don't need to be dressed well to murder you." I stepped closer to him and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. I lifted him up so his face was barely inches from mine. His face turned a strange shade of pink. I almost dropped him. Was he poisoned? Why is he pink? "Jeez, are you dying? What was in that drink?! I swear if that gross drink manages to kill you before I do so help me---!"The idiot had the nerve to laugh.

"No it's not that! You look amazing!" Now I dropped him. He landed on his bed with a thump. What the fuck is wrong with him?

"I look stupid."

"No!" He stood up, moving closer. I backed up. "You look beautiful." He smirked. I jumped back. How could he say that so casually? My cheeks were burning hot. "God Bakugou, are you okay?"

"Yep, I'm going out to get my clothes now. Then I can change out of this disgusting thing!" Kirishima sighed and followed after me as I made my way down the hall.

"Why the fuck are you coming with me?" I growled at him.

"So you don't get lonely! Duh." He grinned.

"Like fuck I'd get lonely!" I scowled. Clearly he wasn't going to leave any time soon though. I faced away from him. If I'd have looked at him any longer, I wouldn't be able to stop myself from punching him in the face.


I managed to retrieve my clothes from outside quickly but Eijirou kept on bugging me.

"Please, just one picture! Please, please pleeeeaaaaase!" He begged like an idiot.

"For the last time, NO!" I started walking off.

"I won't give you your birthday kiss!" (Yeah it's been ages since it was Baku's birthday in real life but shhhh) I stopped abruptly. I turned to him angrily.

"Like hell I'd want you to kiss me anyway!" I growled. "Oh fucking fine then! It's nothing to do with the kiss though you damn idiot!" He grinned happily, clapping his hands. He grabbed the phone out of his back pocket and held it up. I held up my hand to pose.

"No Katsuki, can you not always give me the middle finger when I'm taking a picture?" Kirishima lowered his phone, face palming.

"It's an occupational hazard!"

"You don't have an occupation!" He sighed, exasperated.

"Well I ain't putting it down." I huffed. He sighed sadly and held the phone up again. He took the photo and lowered his phone again. He looked at the picture and smirked. I turned away and began to walk back to the house.

"Okay, who has the most beautiful boyfriend? Oh right, I do!" He laughed. I spun, walking back towards him. I pointed at him threateningly.

"No you fucking idiot, I do! Now shut the fuck up and let's go back inside." I turned away again.

"Awww Kat, do you mean it?" Kirishima opened his eyes, attempting to look like a puppy dog. Unfortunately, it worked. I rolled my eyes but found myself nodding slowly. Eijirou squealed then wrapped his arms around me. " I love you so much!" He smiled so happily I thought I'd be blinded.

"Oh wait, nearly forgot." He said before pressing his lips gently to mine. I felt my cheeks go bright red. "Happy birthday!"

Hehe I'm not dead, if you want you can help me be cured of living. Donate 1 bullet please, and you could save this person from the weight of existing.
Oops I haven't updated for agesssssssss. I'm so sorryyyyy!
Thanks so much for giving my terrible story 18K reads!

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