Nightime Run

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Kirishima's PoV

Instead of Shinsou, Sero arrived. He looked less of a state than when I saw him last, but I still worried.

"You sure you'll be good seeing him injured like that?" I asked, just making sure. "I can still call Shinsou over, I'm sure he won't mind at all."

"No it's fine, Shinsou's with Monoma and they need some time to calm down. I've been hiding at base this entire time like a damsel in distress and it's boring as hell." Sero mimicked snoring. I nodded, still hesitant.

I led Sero to the room where everyone was and he ran over to Kaminari and hugged him, despite the boy still being passed out. Then I reminded him what he had to do because the man could wake up at any second.

Sero ran over to the white haired man and tied him up with serotape.

Mina picked Kaminari up somehow. I didn't realise she had gotten so strong recently, she might even beat me in an arm wrestle. We'll see, I guess.

I sat back next to Bakugou, checking his wounds. His eyes didn't focus on me and he flinched when I moved around.

"You okay dude?" I asked, he seemed to panic for a second then nod. "You sure? You know you can tell me anything, right?" I asked, poking him teasingly on the shoulder.

"Yeah I do." Bakugou sighed. "Ummm... I can't see. Please don't make this a big deal, I'm too tired."

"WHAT?!" I yelled standing up, he winced. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you are you okay?" I rubbed his shoulder, he nodded.

"Jeez I'm not a baby."

"You sure?" I kissed him on the cheek. He blushed.

"Get off you bastard." He shoved me lightly. I hugged him tight, he gasped in shock.

"Okay, we're going back to UA, Recovery Girl might be able to help you out."


I stood outside Recovery Girl's office waiting. Suddenly, she appeared just outside the door.

"Kirishima, you fool, why didn't you take these boys to a hospital?" She asked. I was shocked, I had never really spoke with Recovery Girl and I was not expecting her to be so mean. It was slightly terrifying being insulted by someone so short and old.

"I don't know in all honesty." I shrugged.

"Okay, just come with me." She said, leading me off to the room where Kaminari and Bakugou were. They both looked like they had just woken up, luckily Bakugou's eyes seemed a lot more focused now. Kaminari looked like overusing his quirk was still affecting him.

Sero was sitting next to Kaminari, I wondered why Recovery Girl let him in there but not me. Actually, I don't think he'd leave Kaminari's side while he's injured like that. His eyes looked red, probably from waking up.

"Okay you two, find somewhere to sit down before die of old age." Recovery Girl spat. I sat as I feared the wrath of the old lady.

"Okay I have good news and bad news. The good news is I got someone in here who works with the effects of quirks and how to stop them." I looked at Bakugou. "They managed to fix young Bakugou's eyesight." I punched the air in relief. Bakugou grinned at me adorably.

"The bad news is that they only managed to fix half of young Kaminari's condition as it is quite easy to fix eyesight using quirks nowadays. Unfortunately he has lost both his ability to speak or make vocal noises." My relief and Bakugou's grin faded away instantly. I realised the puffiness around Sero's eyes were from crying. He held Kaminari's hand tightly.

"Oh shit, what did I just wake up to hear?" Bakugou looked horrified. "It's not going to get worse is it?" Recovery Girl shook her head. Bakugou tapped the desk quickly.

Kaminari tapped back. I realised they were speaking in morse code, we had learned it during one of our lessons.

Suddenly Bakugou looked extremely mad and Kaminari looked extremely smug and I realised he was going to be just fine.

4  years later

Bakugou's PoV

"Kami's learnt sign language, finally." I told Kirishima, he nodded. "I'm shocked the dumbass managed."

"Now that's just rude." The redhead pushed me gently. I laughed.

"So, they're finally getting married?" He asked, I nodded. "Took them long enough, oh my god."

"It was actually Kaminari that proposed. Apparently the ring he got him had 'Cheeseball' carved on the inside for whatever reason with 'My love' on the outside." I laughed at how cringey they were. Kirishima joined in.

"Typical." He shook his head while chuckling.

"Hope their wedding isn't as much of a disaster as Shinsou and Monoma's." I said. Kirishima agreed.

"Not to mention Mina finally got that date with that girl she's been talking to." I added.

"Wait who?" Kirishima asked. "Hagakure?"

I laughed nodding. "Only took her four fucking years!"

I sat down on the tree next to him. We were out to watch the stars together tonight. The dumbass convinced me to wear matching clothes with him. We were wearing red sleeveless hoodies, like who does that? I looked at my arms and found the old scars had faded, if you concentrated you could still see them but it didn't bother me.

"Uh Ei?" I nudged his shoulder. "Remember the first time we came to this place at the same time? I was running to avoid the press after the All Might incident and you were just going for a jog?" I grinned. "Those were the stupidest days of my life."

"Oh god, remember my hair in first year?" Kirishima chuckled, gesturing to his undercut. Today he had it tied up in a short ponytail, though usually he wore it like the old days, with an added shave.

"Oh by the way." Kirishima began, getting down into one knee. I was speechless. He brought a ring out of his pocket and held it up.

"You bastard." I gasped. He raised an eyebrow. I put my hand in my pocket and brought out another ring that I had been planning on proposing with. He was speechless as well then.

"I hate you." I groaned.

"Is that a yes?" Kirishima asked smugly. I grabbed him by the front of his stupid hoodie and kissed him.

"Oh fuck you." He smirked.

"Fuck me yourself, idiot." I winked. He blushed a pale red.

I grabbed his hand, pulling him towards the hill and we ran up laughing and joking before lying down in the grass. Above you could see the sky glittering with thousands of stars. I slipped my ring onto my finger and I put his ring on his finger. We held hands and held them up to the sky before erupting into giggles.

Well this is the end.
Thanks for sticking around. Don't know how you read this much but if you're reading this I love you and I hope you have a good life. If you've read this far, you deserve some kind of award, this story was a disaster 😂
Thanks for 98k reads!

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