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"Oooooooh! Kiri brought his boyfriend!" Mina squealed excitedly as Kirishima let go of Bakugou and the blonde crashed to the ground in a blushing mess.
"I'm not his fucking boyfriend!" Bakugou's voiced went higher as he spoke, squeaking slightly and turning red.
"Really? I thought you were." Kirishima hummed, mock shock on his face.
"Shut up!! I don't need the Mama Mina knowing about that!"
"Mina would've found out eventually, you guys aren't exactly discreet." Kaminari chuckled leaning on Sero's shoulder.
"Yeah, even if Kirishima hadn't told us all." The tape boy added.
"YOU WHAT?!" Bakugou turned to the redhead who was retreating quickly from the blonde.
"Uh no I didn't. I'm going to kill you tape boy and pikachu, mark my words." He whispered the last part under his breath.
"Not if I kill them first!" Bakugou yelled and turned toward the unlucky pair who were already running. Bakugou set off a large explosion and began sprinting after them, knocking over pots, plates and food. Todoroki's pizza dropped to the floor as an explosion was set off in his face.
"Aw," he sighed.
"YOU FUCKING DESERVE THAT FOR PUTTING PINEAPPLE ON IT, HALF AND HALF BASTARD." Bakugou's voice was heard in the distance as well as many more explosions.
Kirishima laughed and sat down next to Mina. "How long do you think he's gonna keep this up?"
"Let's just sit back and enjoy the show while it lasts." Mina giggled and handed Kirishima a can of coke. They simultaneously opened them and clanged them together.
"To friendship! And hoping our friends survive the next few minutes!"
"Agreed." Mina sipped her drink.


"Wanna come round to my dorm dude?"
"Fucking fine, Shitty Hair."
"I'm coming too!"
"Gah! Mina!!"


"Bakugou eat your damn food!"
"Hell nah! You just took that out of your mouth!"
"It's still good!"
"No!! Get that shit away from me, Hair for Brains!"
"Fine then!" Kirishima bit into his slice of pizza and chewed. "You have to eat something though, or I'll spit this back out and make you eat it."
"You're fucking gross Kiri!" He pushed the redhead's arm gently.
"Got a problem with it?" Bakugou slurped his tea loudly, to Mina's laughter. Kirishima shoved him back.
"No, Kat~" Kirishima hummed. Bakugou turned slightly pink.
"I gotta go, I'm going to a sleepover. See ya tomorrow, gays." Mina laughed and strolled off, kicking Bakugou lightly on her way out.

Kirishima looked around, it was only Kirishima and Bakugou left.
Kirishima poked Bakugou on the cheek. "You get flustered so easily."
"No I fucking don't!" Bakugou said, turning more pink. Kirishima laughed, moving closer to Bakugou and pushing him against the wall in the process.
"Gah! Kiri, there's not enough space!"
"Kiri..." Kirishima repeated. "I like that." He faced the explosive boy.
"Uh-okay..." Bakugou just realised how close Kirishima's face was to his.
Kirishima moved forward slightly and planted a kiss on Bakugou's cheek. Bakugou flushed a shade of red that rivalled the vibrancy of Kirishima's hair.
Bakugou held his hand up to his face where Kirishima had kissed. "Uh-I-Fuckoff!"
He pushed the redhead away to Kirishima's laughter.
"You're so cute sometimes!" Bakugou squeaked in annoyance. Kirishima poked Bakugou on the nose. "That, Katsuki, just proves my point."

Thank you so much for over 600 reads!!
Sorry I've been so absent, I've been pretty ill so I apologise!
And I know, this is unusually happy for me, I'm working on it.
I guess I don't actually hate writing happy stuff.

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