This guy...

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Bakugou's PoV

"Oh my fuck Kirishima, I'm going to murder you." It's been half an hour and this fool is still refusing to get my shit from outside. I was pissed. The only good thing is that he didn't laugh at my All Might underwear.

He looked so smug, leaning on the wall with his arms loosely crossed and standing on one foot. He had already gotten dressed just to rub it in my face. I wanted to beat the shit out of him and kiss him at the same time, I was so damn confused. I decided to go for the first option. I held up my fist ready to wack him in the face.

"You can try, but I don't think you will." He grinned and caught my punch right before it hit him in the face. "Come on Kat, all you have to do is say 'please' and you can have your clothes back." This guy. I readied my other fist to punch but Kirishima had already grabbed that hand. I fought as he stood there calmly. I was so ready to best the shit out of him.

He let go of my hands and walked across the room towards the door, right as he reached it I called out to him in my most threatening voice.

"You can run Eijirou, but you can't hide."He turned and looked at me with puzzlement. I tried to look my most menacing in my All Might boxers but I don't think he was all that intimidated. He held up his hands in defence, as if to say, I'm not attempting to do either. That cheeky bastard. When all this is over I'm going to hide in the woods, maybe make friends with a few of the trees.

I huffed and sat back down on the bed. He left the door wide open and it annoyed me more than any of Kirishima's goofing around. I growled.

I crossed my arms tightly then looked at them more closely. Every single scar or cut I had on my arms, other than a few caused by my fight with Deku, was gone. It was probably due to that weird pink tea I drank from Kirishima's mom. I need to thank her later for that. I smiled slightly, then remembered I was supposed to be mad at Eijirou and went back to scowling.

Kirishima's PoV

This is probably the stupidest ideas I've ever had and it'll probably get me killed but I'm doing it anyway because it'll be funny. I picked up a few of the items I had picked out and dropped them outside of my room before opening the door and stepping back into the room.

Bakugou sat on his bed angrily and scowling at who knows what, maybe the floor insulted him. When he realised I had entered the room that expression turned to me. His eyebrows were scrunched up and his cheeks were puffed. I was so tempted to get my phone out and take a picture because he was so damn cute.

"Where were you?" He questioned.

"Just in my moms' room, I needed to get something." I sat down next to him on the bed. He looked at me and I tried to look thoughtful. "Hmmmm, have you rethought? Maybe you should just say the magic word?" He scowled even more if it's possible and I could feel my heart about to explode. "See, it's easy. Repeat after me, please." I smiled.

"I'm going to rip your teeth out and plant them into your eyes." I frowned.

"That hurts." I pretended to tear up. "You know how you could make this up to me for hurting my feelings so badly?" He raised an eyebrow sceptically. "By maybe saying something like please." I felt a punch land on my arm.

"Die." I gasped. "Ugh! Fine, better be listening cuz I'm not repeating myself." I reached into my back pocket and pressed the button on my phone. I leaned forward. "Fucking hell... Please." I pressed the button on my phone again. "Happy now?!"

"Yes, very!" I stepped over to the door again.

"Where the hell are you going?" He turned to me.

"I said I'd get you some clothes to wear outside when going to get your own clothes." He grinned evilly and he paled realising what I was doing. "I never said they'd be any of my clothes." He let out a stream of cuss words and language that would not be appropriate in front of any parent or teacher.

I picked up the dress from outside the doorway and held it in front of him. "You'll have to wear this! MWHAHAHAHA!" He backed away towards the wall.

"There's no way in hell I'm wearing that! Get away from me! You villain! I'll kill you!" His back hit the wall. I only laughed.

"Oh but you are, a deal's a deal."

Woooow I haven't taken a week to update. 😱
Yeah idfk what I'm doing anymore, but enjoy it if you can!
Thanks for 10k reads!!!!

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