At least he won't have any homework

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Bakugou trudged to school as disinterested as ever, he never really enjoyed school but he'd need it to become the number 1 hero.
He walked along his usual path but it seemed... Different. Bakugou didn't know how to explain it.
It had the usual amount of extras walking around, so what was it?
He neared the school to find the doors locked.
He wasn't late for school was he?
He turned around and he saw a screen blaring the news.
Villains? Could feel his stomach drop. What if Kirishima's in there?
He turned back around to see a familiar face, or actually, a familiar hand.
"Sorry for inconveniencing you, but you didn't think we'd just let you get away, did you?"
Bakugou could hear more people walking towards him from behind.
"What the fuck are you doing?!" He tried to push all the emotions from his voice. He wasn't scared, he was Bakugou Katsuki. He didn't get scared.
"Payback! It's your fault our leader has been taken away!" Anger dripping from the villain's voice.
"Not my fucking fault! It was your dumbass idea to try and make me join you!"
Hands roughly grabbed his arms from behind and he felt something jab into his neck as he tried to fight them off.
He could see the patches guy and psycho girl with the blonde hair, smiling at him.
Giggling was the only thing he could hear as it all faded to black.

Kirishima has had enough. 1) Bakugou isn't here. 2)We're trapped in school. 3)Villains.
Why did this have to happen?
The only ones who can defend us are the teachers, we're not even allowed to support them.
Kirishima just had to wait for this all to be over, it felt like back at the training camp when Bakugou was taken away. Dread filled his stomach. This can't be happening again?
Tears formed in his eyes, how unmanly.
He looked around at the other students, it was all of 1B, Shinsou and most of 1A.
Things were bad to the point that even Monoma, was silent. The only person who didn't look fearful was Kaminari, who was asleep with Sero sitting protectively by his side.
Kirishima got up but was stopped by Aizawa who rested his hand on Kirishima's shoulder.
"I know this must be hard for you, especially since what happened before, but I assure you, he's okay. We'll make sure of it."
Kirishima gave him a small smile and sat back down next to Sero and Mina, who grabbed his arm. She seemed to do this whenever she's scared, she just holds onto people.
"It's gonna be alright." He said, Mina nodded.
He was talking more to himself.

Three updates in one day? What the actual heck?!

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