Nezu is a mouse right?

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Kirishima's POV
"Where have you two been?" Aizawa's eyes burned red and his cloth scarf wrapped around Bakugou and I, trapping us.
"We slept in." I answered, trying to keep my voice clear.
"OOOOOH? Did you sleep together??????" Mina squealed.
I shot him a look. "Calm down, you're making a scene." I whispered to him. He looked down as if embarrassed then nodded. I'm surprised he didn't put up any arguments to that, I was half worried he was going to blow me up.

"You're not denying it!" Mina squealed again.
Bakugou shot me a look as if to say sorry. "Fuck it." I heard him murmur, then turned round to the offender. Mina scooted backwards slightly with her chair. Bakugou ripped the cloth off him and chucked it at Aizawa-sensei's face, covering his eyes momentarily so his quirk couldn't be used against the explosive boy.

Bakugou jumped over to where Mina was and made an explosion in his left hand. "FUCK YOU!" He yelled.
Aizawa was fast though, at he moved the cloth off of me and it wrapped around Bakugou as his explosions died down from Aizawa's red eyes. Bakugou was pulled back to the front of the class leaving most of 1a cowering behind their desks.
"Bakugou Katsuki! Calm down!" Aizawa yelled.
"Fucking shit." Bakugou groaned.
"You've already caused me trouble by being an hour late to school, I had to send people to look out for you two! And now Bakugou, you're making a scene in my classroom!" Bakugou shrugged. "Get yourself to the rat's- I mean Principle Nezu's office, now! Your parents will be informed of everything." Bakugou paled at that last part as Aizawa released his quirk and the cloth binding Katsuki. Bakugou growled and trudged out of the classroom, looking back once or twice with his burning red eyes.

"Jeez, I would not want to get on that guy's bad side." Kaminari whispered really loudly.
"You're the one that gets on his bad side most often!" I laughed.

Bakugou's POV
This is bullshit! The pink freak practically asked to be blown up!
I stomped down to the mouse's office grumbling.


"Bakugou Katsuki, I'm sure you're aware of the rules, no quirks allowed to be used in a classroom unless given permission." I rolled my eyes, who does this guy think he is?
"I'm going have to call home about this situation you do realise, it doesn't help much that you've arrived an hour late either." I winced, why the fuck would he need to call my fucking parents about that? Bullshit.
"You can go back to your lesson for now, but if I hear you've been causing trouble again, I won't hesitate to put you in detention." I glared at him and got up. I could literally feel myself smoking with anger as I walked out of there. I want to blow that fucking mouse's fucking face up.


I walked into the classroom again, we were having English meaning I'd have Present Mic, he's the loud one right? I walk in to find Aizawa standing by the door.
"The fuck are you doing in here?" I question, annoyed (as usual).
"Uh nothing... I mean taking notes! Do I? Yes I do! Doesn't matter." He answered sounding half asleep (also as usual).
"Sure, whatever." I trudged to my seat. Kirishima gave me a huge ass smile as I sat down and I looked at him, covering my mouth when I realised that I had smiled back and Kirishima looked away laughing.

Really bad chapter, I'm so sorry.
I've been pretty busy lately so that's why it took me so long to update.
Thank you guys so much for over 1K reads!!!

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