Ready as I'll ever be

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(Now it's time to step up or it's time to back down...)
I need to stop making my titles random song lyrics.

Mina's PoV

"Okay, you guys ready?" Kirishima asked as we left our camp, which was stationed quite close to the villains' base but hidden extremely well down a path that only Kacchan and Kiri knew. Well until now, I guess, since all the rest of us now knew.

"Ready as I'll ever be." Shinsou sang.

I thought back to the party, which had got us all into this mess. None of us originally going to turn up until I realised it would be a great way to hook up with Hagakure. Speaking of which, where even is she? Uraraka told me she had to go home because of family issues! I know Uraraka turned out to be the traitor and everything, but she wouldn't harm her friends, would she? She did take Kami tho... Oh dear.

In conclusion, I am worried.

"Pinky, what is so interesting about the fucking tree that you've been staring at it for the past five minutes?!" The blonde thing yelled at me.

"Um... It's a really hot tree." I argued. I hadn't realised I had zoned off. He didn't buy the excuse but chose not to question me. Smart choice, I didn't have a better comeback.

"Ei said we're going in!" Katsuki yelled in a whispery voice. I think it's kinda cute that he started calling him Ei more openly, he's opening up to our dumbass gang. He would never admit this of course, he's trying to keep up him grump aesthetic.

"Okay bitch." I gestured for him to head inside, like hell I'd go in first.

He groaned before darting inside. He stood behind a wall in the entrance, he then gestured for me to follow him. I walked inside slowly, peaking to make sure nobody was approaching. He gestured again, obviously trying to get me to hurry up. I didn't think there was much point, I saw absolutely nobody inside, other than this sleeping guy, passed out across the floor.

"Katsuki, everyone's dead!" I whisper yelled at him.

"No they're not!" He looked over and saw the man unconscious on the floor. "Oh shit, maybe you're right." He jumped out from behind the wall, rolling across the floor. I rolled my eyes and walked in after him. Bakugou continued trying to be a secret agent, spy, ninja thing.

"Baku! Nobody's here!" I proper yelled.

"Whaaa?" A Kaminari-like voice yelled from downstairs. "Poo! Heheheheeheh!" Oh god, if he's acting like that, clearly he's used too much of his quirk.

"Wait." Bakugou stood up. "Everybody's passed out because he used his quirk on them, aren't they?" I nodded. Bakugou sighed. "Can I just fucking do one thing without that cunt doing my job for me?"

"Lighten up dude! We can get in and out easier." I reminded him.

"Thas waht she sed!" Kaminari giggled. Bakugou punched the wall and growled. I tried to suppress a laugh but failed. Bakugou accidentally cracked a smile too. Before we knew it, I was laughing hysterically while Bakugou was still trying to stop himself from laughing.

"What the hell is going on you two?!" Shinsou shouted from outside.

"They're all fucking dead, what are we doing here?" I laughed. Shinsou was silent for a second.

"What?" He asked.

"They're fucking dead!" I laughed. Bakugou couldn't help himself, he chuckled. We carried on into the building, we got into the chamber that Bakugou said they were kept in, luckily Kaminari was there. Something wasn't right though, he was passed out along with everybody else. It didn't seem to be from the same as everybody else, he had a massive bruise to the face which was likely the cause of his passing out.

Suddenly, I heard a car screeching outside. Shinsou and Kirishima yelled.

"Ha!" Kaminari's voice came from above. I turned to see a man with long wavy white hair and piercing yellow eyes. That definitely wasn't our dumbass pikachu. Bakugou groaned, taking a defensive stance. I repeated the action.

"I hate this guy." The red eyed blonde groaned.

Merry Christmas y'all!
The storyline is fucked but I'm trying my best to remember what the fuck my original plan was. None of it makes sense but I'm trying my best.
Having a long old story is harder than I thought.
Thanks for 81k reads tho!

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