Less Sad Things

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There wasn't just one person there, a whole group seemed to be standing there.
"Who the fuck are you guys?" The Psycho Girl asked.
Aizawa stepped into the light along with many other pro heroes. Bakugou was so happy he could feel more tears fall from his eyes.
"I can hear you guys from a while away." The teacher grumbled.
Toga laughed nervously as she realised she wouldn't be able to handle them all on her own. She scanned around looking for her fellow league members, but she had told them to leave a while ago.
Everything after that was a blur. EXCEPT PRESENT MIC SCREAMING HIS FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!

Kirishima sat by Bakugou's bed for hours. He was covered in bandages. Recovery Girl said he should make a full recovery though.
Bakugou's eye twitched slightly before fully opening. "K-Kirishima?" He croaked.
Kirishima threw his arms around Bakugou. "Oh.my.God.Bakugou.don't.ever.scare.me.like.that.again!"
"I don't plan to." He smiled slightly.
"I was so worried! I thought they killed you or something! I couldn't even do anything this time, I just had to sit back as the heroes were the only ones who knew where you were!" Tears formed in his eyes. "They managed to catch the villain though, Toga was her name. She's scary as fuck!"
Bakugou had hardly heard Kirishima swear before but it was pretty hot.
"I'm so glad you're okay though Bakugou!"
"Glad to be back." He smirked.
Recovery Girl walked in. "Kirishima, I'm afraid you're going to have to step out."
"Okay, see ya in class Bakubro!" Bakugou smiled at him as he walked out.
"Bakugou, I'm afraid you're going to have to hold back on training for now but there's no permanent damage. You should also rest more and definitely eat a lot more."
With that she walked out.
Bakugou unrolled some of the bandages on his arms to reveal what Toga-or whatever her name was- had done.
Words were carved into his arms, Weak, Unlovable, Disgusting, Alone. Bakugou sighed, she wasn't exactly wrong about any of them. At least the new cuts she had given him, hid the ones he had caused himself.
He wrapped the bandages back up again, there was no point in seeing them.


Yeah this is kinda rushed, felt bad for making everything so negative. I was planning on more sadness but I figured that was okay for now.

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