Ha, Gayyyy

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[Titles aren't my strong point]

"Sir, how do you suggest we get them?" The boy, only in his teens, asked.

"That's easy, son. We just need to get our man at UA to help us."


"You know what, I am so done with you guys." Bakugou collapsed back down on his chair on the table at the front of a café for ice-cream.

"Aww c'mon bro! It was funny!" Kaminari laughed, sitting next to him. Sero and Kirishima patted Bakugou on the back soothingly. Bakugou scowled, mini explosions going off around his head.

"No it fucking wasn't, shithead. You never said these idiots were coming too!" The angry blonde scowled at his red headed boyfriend, Kirishima shrugged, nobody knew they were going to be here. The three standing next to them removed their masks, Shinsou and Monoma had grins plastered in their faces, Ojiro smiled guiltily.

"I hate you all." Bakugou said, retreating into the hood of the bright Red Riot hoodie he was wearing. Kirishima wrapped his arms around Bakugou from behind. Katsuki leaned his head back onto Kirishima's shoulder, his eye showing from under the hoodie threateningly, as if to say 'Do something, I dare you' at the others around the table.

The purple haired boy took a seat at the glass table, placing his ice-cream sundae in front. He had finally stopped laughing, wiping tears from one of his eyes. Ojiro sat to the left of him, still flushed red with guilt, looked to the floor so he didn't meet anyone's eyes. Monoma was still laughing hysterically.

"I can't believe a 1A student got so scared!" He cried. "I thought you guys were supposed to be so much better than us!" He fell onto a seat, slamming his fist on the table as tears of laughter fell down his cheeks. Bakugou growled, sitting forwards angrily, Kirishima held him back though.

Shinsou punched the hysteric 1B student in the arm, the blonde continued to laugh. "Sero, can I borrow some tape?" The purple haired boy asked. Sero nodded happily, handing over a fair amount. Shinsou slapped some over Monoma's mouth. "Shut up, you weirdo."

"Sorry about that by the way, Bakugou." Ojiro laughed awkwardly. Bakugou nodded and rested on his boyfriend again. Ojiro saw the the scarlet eyed grenade didn't blow him up then immediately relaxed, sighing in relief.

"Jeez Mashirao." Shinsou shook his head. "Stop being so nice."


"Oh, it seems we have one of our own with them right now." The man sat forward, smiling slightly. He held a phone in his hand, it had the location of their workers.

"What are we even going to do with them, sir?" The boy asked. The man chuckled.

"The League want them, so I've heard." The man put his phone down. "We're just here to deliver."


"How the crap did you guys know we were here?" Kaminari asked, leaning forward on his backwards chair. His face was covered in vanilla and chocolate ice-cream. His empty container of pale ice-cream had fallen off the table.

Monoma tried to speak before he remembered his mouth was covered in tape, he sighed mumbling something Kirishima didn't understand.

"Wait you guys heard about the ice-cream here being half off too?" Kaminari rocked back and forth on his seat. Bakugou raised his eyebrows in shock. Sero and Kirishima simultaneously raised their right eyebrows.

"How on All Might's Earth did you figure out what he just said?" Sero's mouth was wide open in shock. "He wasn't even speaking normal mumble! That of course, I can understand."

Kaminari tapped his nose cunningly. "I have many secrets." He dabbed. Monoma facepalmed. Bakugou sighed.

"Secrets?" A high pitched voice shot through the table. Everyone turned around in shock. Uraraka and Mina were there. "I wanna hear some!" The pink girl squealed. She looked at Kaminari pointedly. "You better not be talking about me behind my back."

Kaminari went into fight or flight mode and jumped to the protection of his boyfriend who squeaked in surprise, only just catching him before he hit the table.

"Gah! Denki!" The dark haired male exclaimed, he held the blonde bridal style on his lap. Kaminari smiled guiltily. Sero shook his head, sighing. A small smile could be seen on his blushing face.

Bakugou groaned, still laying on Kirishima. "You two are so fucking gay."

"Says you, hedgehog!" Kaminari yelled. "You've still got Kirishima's hoodie on and don't think I didn't see you smelling it!" Bakugou turned red. Eijirou laughed

"God Katsuki, I smell that manly huh?." He looked around the table. "Plus I'm pretty sure everyone here is gay." Everyone else nodded. Kirishima looked back down at the blonde, who now looked like a strawberry. The bright red hoodie didn't help much either.

"Oh my god I forgot to order something." Came a voice from nowhere. Sero looked around and saw a hovering dress. Hagakure grabbed Mina by the hand. "Come on Ashido!"

"Since when did we go back to surnames?" Mina asked, as she was pulled up. "Uraraka," She said to the brunette still sitting at the table. "You coming?"

"Yeah okay." She grinned and followed them. She turned back to Kaminari and others before winking. Sero and the bright blonde nodded, putting their thumbs up. Bakugou looked up at Kirishima, hoping he knew what was going on but the redhead looked puzzled. He mentally shrugged, probably isn't too important then.

Sorry this is bad and has a bunch of characters crammed in it, but I promise it's for the plot.
(Not just because I love these idiots)

If you were wondering, Baku was mad at the beginning because Ojiro, Shinsou and Monoma all wore masks and jumped out from behind a building, scaring the living explosions out of Bakugou.

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