He's Lying!

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Kirishima's PoV

"Sero, we know you're in there." I said, leaning against his door frame. I didn't actually know he was in there, but if he was, I'd sound wiser. If he wasn't, then he wasn't there to hear. This felt so much like another scenario, where Bakugou had shut himself in his own room, that I was half expecting a blonde haired boy to emerge. When Sero finally showed himself, I almost jumped back in shock.

"What?" He rubbed his eyes. He looked so frail and tired that I thought he would break at any moment. I fought back my urge to give him a hug. Don't judge me, it's my reflex.

"Dude... Can we come in?" I asked gently, he sighed and gestured for us to enter. I smiled gently and stepped inside, Mina followed after. Me and Sero sat down on the bed while Mina plonked herself onto the chair. I passed the dark haired boy a sandwich and continued.

"So, Mina overheard the Pros talking." I began, Sero looked at the sandwich then at me suspiciously. "She heard that the Heroes might know where they are." Sero's eyes immediately lit up, contrasting the heavy eyebags he had developed.

"You sure?" He asked, not wanting to be given false hope.

"Not yet," I admitted, Mina nodded. The light in Sero's eyes diminished a bit but remained there. He began fidgeting with the sandwich. We sat quietly for a bit. He kept looking around as if Kaminari was actually just hiding somewhere around the room.

"Where?" He asked.

"We're not telling you until you eat something, dear." Mina said, gesturing to the food in his hand. He grimaced, I parted him in the back. Finally he gave in and took a small bite of the sandwich. He looked at Mina hopefully but she shook her head, he sighed and took a few more bites. He looked at Mina when he had finished, she smiled and nodded.

"Okay, they're in..."

Kaminari's PoV

I hate myself.

"You say you're after a certain Bakugou Katsuki?" I asked. I felt Bakugou glare at me with such an intense force that I had to pause for a moment to stop myself from backing down. I looked at the man instead, not daring to face away from his gaze.

The guard nodded, smirking slightly. "Why? You give up?"

I felt my insides turn to jelly, this was going to absolutely suck. I spoke again before I could let myself stop.

"First, I want to know. Why do you have us two here? Why didn't you just get who you were after?" I asked. I wanted to make sure I had overheard the people outside correctly.

"We got a terrible description." The guard admitted, nodding slightly. "All they told us was that they were loud, blonde and had a powerful quirk." I grinned, that was what they had said earlier.

It was a pretty accurate description of Bakugou. It wasn't that close of a description for me, I didn't think my quirk was all that powerful, to be honest, since I turn all stupid after I use it. I wasn't about to let them know, though. My quirk was flashy so it could easily pass as powerful.

"Okay then," I breathed in.

"I give up... I'm Bakugou Katsuki." I faced my palms up to the sky, seemingly in resignation. The guard grinned. I relaxed slightly, he'd obviously bought the lie. Maybe this wasn't going to be as difficult as I had been expecting.

"No, I'm Bakugou!" The real Bakugou interrupted. I glared at him, shaking my head. The guard turned to face him, appearing pissed off. "He's lying!" Katsuki looked at me pointedly. "Isn't he?" He spat out the words.

"Okay then guys, I have a lot of time." The guard looked at me, then Bakugou. "Could the fake Bakugou Katsuki just shut up?" He flicked his hair out his face. Bakugou glared at me as if to say Yeah, shut up. I rolled my eyes. I wasn't going to let someone else get hurt if I could do anything about it.

"I am definitely Bakugou Katsuki, this idiot is just a quirkless fool." I gestured at him. Bakugou growled at me, about to argue. "See here, I actually have a quirk." I shot a bit of electricity into the air, not enough to make me into even more of a dumbass. "What can you do, quirkless wannabe?" I looked at him pointedly.

Bakugou glared at me, I smirked. He moved his hands, trying to make an explosion. Luckily, the dart actually worked and he was unable to use his quirk. He thrashed around at me, I tried to remain calm and sat still.

"Oh, I guess the truth reveals itself." The guard stood up and stepped towards Bakugou. "I guess we don't need you anymore, blondie. Do you want me to send your corpse back to your friends at UA?" Bakugou looked the man in the eye and scrunched up his face in rage.

"Hey!" I shouted. "I'll go with you guys willingly, as long as you send him back to UA unharmed." The guard growled, he turned back to me. I continued. "And you better send me proof that he's alive, maybe a video of the entire journey and a video of him getting to the teachers safely." Now the guard snarled, he raised his fist and punched me across the face.

"Okay that's fair." I nodded, feeling my left cheek burn. "You can harm me as much as you want in return." The guard seemed to calm at that. He thought for a good amount of time before turning to the doorway.

"Okay, we have a deal." He held one hand up to his mouth to amplify his voice.

"Rin, Sai, Den and Akane! Get a camera and take this one back to UA." He looked at me briefly. "Unharmed." He added.

Those are just random names btw, they're not important to the story.

I wouldn't be able to let myself have a bad guy Kaminari, Sero doesn't deserve that.

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