What the hell happened?

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Honestly I don't even know anymore.

Kirishima woke up, half of his body hanging off of his bed and the alarm beeping loudly behind him. He moved his face away from the ground as he did not want to cheat on his boyfriend, let alone with the floor.

Groaning, he sat up and rubbed his eyes before using that same hand, with his quirk activated, and brought it down on the source of the loud robotic noises. It shattered instantly from the force. He shook the machine parts of his hand and deactivated his quirk. Scanning the room, his eyes adjusted to the sunshine pouring into his room. His eyes caught on his spare alarm clock which told him it was around the time he should be preparing for school.

Kirishima stood up and stretched his arms and back, yawning. He groaned. They had practice exams soon on chemistry, one of Kirishima's worst subjects. At least Bakugou was good at literally every subject so he'd be able to ask him for some help. He grinned at the thought.

Slowly, he began making his way across the room to get ready for school. His uniform was scattered around his room in messy piles, luckily Kirishima knew how to navigate through the bombsite his dorm was. He found all of his clothes and schoolwork quickly and got everything ready before checking the time again. He smiled, he might actually be on time today.

Opening his door and peeking out, Kirishima was surprised to see that his blonde classmate was nowhere to be seen. Kirishima rubbed the back of his neck in confusion, usually Bakugou waits out here for the redhead. Kirishima shrugged off any worried thoughts, this was the first time he had been ready so early so maybe Bakugou wasn't finished getting ready yet.

Stepping toward the other door, he tapped his fist lightly against the wooden surface. No reply.

He knocked harder this time, calling out the blonde's name. "Bakugou? You in there bro?" When he didn't get an answer this time, he knew something was off. He checked to see if the door was locked, surprisingly it wasn't and Kirishima opened it with ease.

He peeked inside and saw Bakugou sleeping peacefully on his bed, undisturbed by the redheaded intruder. Kirishima walked closer, occasionally calling out Bakugou's name in an attempt to wake him up. After a few steps, the redhead was within reaching distance and knelt down next to the bed. Gently, he poked his boyfriend in the face gently and the blonde shifted in his sleep. He looked paler and Kirishima poked him in the face again.

This time Bakugou's eye creaked open. "What the fu--?" Bakugou asked, still half asleep in the middle of a yawn. Bakugou didn't bother covering his mouth as he yawned, reminding Kirishima of something a cat would do. Kirishima imagined Bakugou was a cat and almost laughed.

"Dude, we have school in..." Kirishima looked around the room. "You got a watch?" Bakugou shook his head violently before landing face first on the pillow again. Kirishima chuckled, taking the blanket off the blonde's back. Luckily for Bakugou's dignity, but also unluckily for Kirishima, Bakugou was wearing a longsleeved pajama t-shirt and shorts.

Kirishima looked oddly at Bakugou's left arm, realising there was something on his sleeve. Bakugou turned back to face the redhead before his eyes widened. Kirishima reached forward to see what the substance on Bakugou' sleeve was, but the blonde pulled away, suddenly more alert. His right hand gripped his other arm as he sat up straight against the wall.

"What the hell, Kat?" Kirishima asked, mightily confused. Bakugou shook his head, quickly at first before slowing down. Kirishima reached out again as Bakugou flinched back. "Dude- Katsuki? Are you okay? What the hell happened?" Kirishima was getting increasingly worried.

Bakugou shook his head once more but gave up. Eijirou took Katsuki's left hand and pulled back the long sleeve of Bakugou's shirt, revealing dark red makeshift bandages. Bakugou cringed and looked away, avoiding Kirishima's worried eyes. Kirishima slowly took off the roll, as it fell apart in his hands. Kirishima's eyes widened.

Bright red cuts stood out on Bakugou's pale arm. Most were smaller wounds, they would definitely leave scars. The others were larger and deeper cuts, they would need stitches or something else. Kirishima looked up, his eyes teary. He finally managed to reach the gaze of his boyfriend who looked ashamed.

So much finally made sense to Kirishima now. Especially the damn Naruto headband. You never could trust a leaf symbol with a large line across it. Stupid Akatsuki.

"Wh-why, Katsuki?" Kirishima asked, scared of what the answer could be. Bakugou ripped his gaze from Kirishima's and stood up. He lifted his right first up and slammed it into the wall. Kirishima yelped and was instantly on his feet, grabbing the slightly shorter boy's arm. "Kat, stop." He frowned. "Please?"

Bakugou nodded, he leaned forward into Kirishima's arms. His head rested against Kirishima's collar bone. The redhead's eyes widened, he slowly wrapped his arms around the blonde. Bakugou felt tears build up in his eyes but he tried his best to blink them away.

"You hate me now, don't you?" Bakugou's voice was muffled but Kirishima heard him well. He wrapped his arms tighter. "You can leave if you want."

"Why would I?" Kirishima was horrified by the idea. What reasoning would be behind such an awful thing? Kirishima knew that he'd never be able to hate the blonde, no matter what he did. Leaving him was out of the question.

"I'm weak, Kirishima." Katsuki's voice trembled. Tears managed to spill out. He breathed in heavily. "I'm not a hero. I can't do anything. I can't look after myself, I couldn't help my family, I won't be able to protect you." Bakugou wrapped his arms around the redhead, getting a small amount of blood on Kirishima's blazer. The redhead didn't care.

"Katsuki, you don't have to protect me." Kirishima grinned, Bakugou could practically hear the smile in his voice. "If you want though, we can work together. Protect each other, right?" Bakugou nodded slowly, burying his face into Kirishima's shoulder. "After all, you're already my hero."

Bakugou smiled weakly. "You're my hero too, Shitty Hair."

If any of you are in my time zone and are reading this around the time it's posted, I'll be mad. GET TO SLEEP! (Or if you're reading this at night, go to sleep. If not, remember to drink water.)
But I posted more than once this week so yay! Even if it's cringy and blah.
Thanks so much for 35k reads tho!

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