Socialising?!?!? Oh with Kirishima? Okay then.

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Kirishima knocked on Bakugou's door for the billionth time.
"You havent come out of your room in 3 days! You're going to starve!!!" He yelled.
"Fuck off! I'm not hungry!!" Came the angry response.
Kirishima sighed. "If you don't come out here in 10 seconds, I'm breaking down the door and dragging you all the way to the lunch hall!" He heard crashing and stumbling around then finally a very angry looking blonde peeked his head around the doorframe. He still had a bandage on his cheek and a new one on his head, or did he have that before?
"What is it?" He asked.
"You know what! Come with me to go get dinner now!!" Kirishima tried to pry the door from Bakugou's hands but he held on firmly.
"Do I have to?"
"Fine, lemme just change real quick." He disappeared and Kirishima heard the door lock behind him.
"You have 20 seconds, Katsuki!!"
"Jeez fine, grandma!" Came the response then more crashing around.
"Are you calling me an old lady?" Kirishima mocked being insulted covering his mouth.
"Are you sayin' my grandma is an old lady?" The door opened slowly and Bakugou's head reappeared.
"No-no-no-no!" Kirishima racked his brain on what to say next.
Bakugou laughed. "Don't worry, she is an old lady!". Kirishima was insulted that Bakugou had gotten him so scared like that, but looking at Bakugou's smile was way too much.
"Don't scare me like that jeez!" Kirishima flung his arms around Bakugou.
"GAH!" Bakugou's back hit his door, closing it behind him.
Kirishima grinned.
"Cmon then ya cactus!"
"Who are you calling a cactus, Shark Face?!" Bakugou punched him gently and laughed again, red splashed over his cheeks.
"You, come on!" He grabbed Bakugou by the hand and dragged him down the hallway, Bakugou complaining all the way.

Hehe, sorry the updates have been pretty bad, I'll try to set aside more time to work on them more before posting.
Are y'all okay with me adding some light Kamisero and Tododeku? Maybe even sort of Shinsou and Monoma, but mostly just Shinsou telling Monoma off and not really anything serious.

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