Somebody Save Baku From This Hag

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|This chapter is violent af, sorry| Bakugou's PoV

"Bakugouuuuuuuu can you help me study for the exam???" Kirishima groaned.

"Study it for yourself!" I shoved a dictionary into his face and it dropped to the floor. He picked it up and inspected it.

"Kat, I don't know how to tell you this... but this is a dictionary. We're studying maths." He looked at me like I was some kind of idiot.

"I know that you dumbass! I'm not going to give you any of my good books now am I?!" I yelled, looking like a flustered child. Which I am.

"Awwww c'mon!" He sighed, sinking down into his seat. "But I wanna go to your house..." he mumbled.

"Hell no you're not!" He gave me sad puppy dog eyes. I looked at him softly. "Maybe when we're back in our dorms, my mom is just... sorting things out."

His face lit up. "You mean I get to go in your dorm?!" He clapped his hands together.

"Don't be getting any ideas, Shitty Hair." I grumbled but I could feel myself smiling too.


I slowly opened the front door of my house and stepped in. I couldn't hear anything in the house and all the lights were off, maybe she had gone out.

I quietly stepped up the stairs, making sure I couldn't be hear just in case she was home.

I snuck down the hallway and closer to my room, the smell of alcohol getting stronger and stronger.

I saw a dark shape, a figure, sitting outside my mom's room holding what looked like a bottle.

"Oh-uh... hi mom," I said quietly. "W-was work o-okay today?"

She sat straighter and then stood. "Why you fucking asking?!" I shrunk back. She held the half empty bottle higher. "It fucking sucked! And it's all your fault that I have to go to this shitty place!" She reeked of alcohol, I stepped back as the stench made my eyes water.

"I'm so sorry..." I said, I could feel one of the tears that had formed in my eyes drop down my cheek.

"You fucking should be! If you weren't born you wouldn't have fucked everything up!! Your father wouldn't have left and I wouldn't have to be stuck with this shitty job!" Warm tears flowed more freely down my cheeks as I tried and failed to stop them.

"Now you're crying like the little bitch you are!" She brought the bottle and hit me across the face with it, it shattered. I yelped, dropping my bag. Blood, alcohol and tears now flowed freely down my face.

"Say you're sorry!" She yelled, pulling me closer and screaming in my face.

"I'm so, so sorry mom," I whispered. She let go of me and I fell back.

"Pathetic. Get out of my house!" I picked my bag up again and quickly ran out of the house and shutting the door gently behind.

I ran and ran, I didn't even know where to. I just wanted to get away. My legs were weak and I felt like I could fall.

Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious that I love angst.

Sorry for taking so long to update, I was really busy. Since my plans for the weekend have been cancelled though, I can spend more time updating this story.

Thanks so much for the reads and votes, it really means a lot to me! Even if this story is shitty as ever.

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