3 hours late

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Bakugou's PoV

"What the fuck are we going to tell the yellow caterpillar?" I asked the Raccoon-Eyed weirdo.

"Oh I got this, just leave it to Mama Mina!"


We got to school pretty quickly luckily, I had tried to stop Raccoon from stealing a motorbike that matched her hero suit perfectly.

~Mini flashback~

"But Baku, it was made for me!!! Can't you see??" She had whined.

"It really wasn't, that's why it belongs to someone else and it doesn't belong to you ."

"Now it does!!! Hehehehehehe."

~Mini flashback over~

I slammed the door open, much to the surprise of a lot of the idiots sitting in there. Fucking Deku fell over like an idiot.

"Why are you two so late? You better have a good explanation for this or you're dead." Our homeroom teacher said from his yellow sleepingbag.

"Oh gods yeah!" Mina put her hand to her head, looking extremely dramatic. "It was the worst thing that ever happened to me!" She moaned.

"I was walking to school really early and I saw Bakugou nearby, I checked the time and saw we had ages to get to school so we decided to go for a walk around the woods." She held up two fingers to look like they were walking.

"But Bakugou fell into the muddy swamp and I had to try and rescue him before he blew everything up!" I glared at her and she continued.

"So it took two whole hours almost and then Bakugou had to get himself cleaned up."

She held up jazz hands. "The end!"

Aizawa seemed unconvinced but decided he was too tired and instantly fell asleep.

I shuffled closer to her. "Why didn't we just tell him what actually happened?"

"That would be boring!" She looked shocked that I had even said something like that.

Nobody was sitting in the correct seat so I sat next to Shitty Hair. I turned to look at him and realised he was furious.

"Uh-um... You okay Hair for Brains?" I asked.

"Am I okay?!" He yelled, I flinched back. "You arrived in school 3 hours late and haven't even replied to any of my texts and calls all day!!!!"

"O-oh, yeah... Sorry." Why the fuck am I being such a freak? Can I not even talk?

"Hold on..." Kirishima looked less furious and now just look shocked or even concerned.
"Did you just say sorry to me?"

I could feel myself turning red. "Fuck no I didn't, shut up." I covered my face with my hands.

"You're such a tsundere, Kat!" He laughed.

"Fuck you!!" I groaned.

"That still doesn't answer anything though, where the fuck were you?!" Shitty Hair poked me on the head.

"Ugh, I went to the gym with Mina and she asked for my help on something." I said.

"Seriously? For three hours?" He shook his head. "I'm going to be keeping a closer eye on you." He said, shutting one of his eyes and then laughing.

"Fuck you."

"You wish," he grinned. My mouth dropped open in shock and he laughed even more. "God Katsuki, I was joking." He winked.

"Fucking, Shitty Hair..." I grumbled.

"Also, Aizawa-Sensei said that the construction is taking a lot longer than was expected so we're going to get to stay at home for a while!" Kirishima smiled happily.

"Oh shit." I looked up, annoyed. "Have to stay with the old hag for a while then." I groaned.

"Aw c'mon Baku, she can't be that bad." He laughed. "You should see what it's like having to deal with both of my moms, they're such cheesy lovebirds."

"Sounds nice." I answered, resting my head on the desk. Damn I was tired.

So sorry it took me so long to update but thank you so much for 2k reads on this shitty fanfic 😂.
This chapter seems like a bit of a filler so I'm sorry.
I'll try to update more but I was just getting my thousands and thousands of books organised.

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