Mina In The Bathroom

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(At a paaarty~)

Kaminari's PoV

My head pounded and I struggled to open my eyes, they felt heavy and tired. Eventually I managed to keep them half open but my vision still wasn't clear. I struggled to see the blurred shapes in front of me. All I could make out in front of me, were my hands. I tried to move them but found them frozen in place, wait not frozen, they were tied in front of me.

Eventually my head stopped spinning and I could see properly, I scanned around the room to see where I was to find absolutely nothing that I recognised. Other than this angry blonde dude looking at me. How rude.

Upon further investigation, the angry blonde dude was tied to a chair, same as me I'm guessing. He seemed especially angry at the situation we both managed to get stuck in, and frankly, I don't blame him.

"Yo! Dumbass!" Bakugou glared at me. "You awake?" I nodded. "What the fuck are you doing here anyway?" He questioned, as if I had asked to be here. Wait, I was pretty damn drunk earlier, maybe I did ask to be here.

I shrugged. "What are you doing here?" I looked pointedly at him, maybe he was the one that tied us to the chairs! How did he manage to tie himself? His quirk is explosions, not rope tying.

"I don't know actually know!" He yelled, suddenly even more angry than before. "But this is the third time it's happened this year, it's starting to get boring. And now you're here!" I waved at an imaginary camera, he rolled his eyes. "This is so much worse."

"I mean, if you look at it from my perspective then--Oh crap, it's still worse." I sighed. My eyes widened suddenly and I grinned. "But we'll escape using the power of friendship! Because we're best friends right? Of course we are!" I laughed.

"Oh please just kill me." My fellow blonde muttered.

"No can do, Mr Angry Pants."

Mina's PoV

Okay, this night officially can't get worse.

Ochaco was supposed to help me get a date with Tooru, but she decided to pull a disappearing act! And then Tooru had to leave because of 'family issues'. So I was stuck. Alone, in the middle of a party with only a few drunk idiots, Kirishima and Sero. Only those two idiots, spent the entire time looking for their drunk boyfriends. Being single really sucks.

Now, I'm stuck pretending to use the toilet in Ochaco's bathroom. It isn't even a good bathroom! Ughhhhh, I've decided to never go to a party again. At least for the rest of the night.

I placed around the room, desperate to find anything good about this experience, or at least anything interesting to tell people about. When I failed to do either of those things, I realised I had knocked something over.

I peered down, looking at whatever I had spilled on the floor. It seemed to just be screwed up papers, a headset and a few pictures of 1a students with names. I wondered how Ochaco managed to afford the headset, but I'd known she had a hell of a lot of pictures of our class for a long time.

I groaned, sitting on the edge of the bathtub, holding the edges just in case I'd fall backward into the empty tub.

Wait a second. How long has the music been off? I hadn't realised because people were still yelling like they usually would at parties. Now that I listen closer, I can't believe I didnt realise before. Maybe the party's already over and everyone's leaving? But it's not supposed to finish for another two hours.

I uncertainly unlock the door and open it slightly. I looked out to see if anyone was still there, spotting a few familiar faces. The amount of people has definitely gone down by at least three quarters, apparently everyone in blue has already left. I searched around for Uraraka, she has some serious explaining to do.

I stepped out of the bathroom, turning my head from side to side in the attempt to see anyone that would know where that brunette had disappeared to.

Eventually I gave up looking for her entirely, instead just looking for anyone that I could ask for an explanation. Finally, I spotted Kirishima, it was odd to see him without his boyfriend but I approached him nonetheless.

"Hey, Kiri." I tapped him on the shoulder. He spun so quickly all I could see was a flash of red then he grabbed my wrist. I tried to pull it back but he held firmly, he seemed angry. I made a mental note not to approach him when he was without that angry blonde bastard. Immediately as I did this, his expression relaxed and he let go of my arm.

"Sorry about that," He smiled guiltily. "I didnt realise it was you." I waved off the apology, I honestly didn't care much.

"It's fine." I assured him before returning to the task at hand. "What the hell is going on?" I questioned him, he looked at me in disbelief before speaking.

"I can't believe you didn't hear or see anything." He shook his head, I noticed a hint of sadness in his expression. Kirishima was never really that great at hiding his emotions, I patted him on the shoulder gently. He continued. "Ummmm... How do I explain this?" He looked at his feet, trying to form words. Instead, he pointed to his left to a large crowd.

I looked at him in confusion, then turned back to where he was pointing. Past the crowd, stood a large gaping hole in the wall. I gasped. What the hell? Parties always get more interesting when I leave!

He tried to speak again, his voice more clear now. "Uraraka disappeared." I nodded, I had already realised this. "And the guys wearing blue took Katsuki and Kami." I stepped back. They did what? When I find Ochaco, I'm going to give her a piece of my mind.

"Where to?" I asked. Kirishima shook his head once more, then met my gaze. His eyes glistened with tears.

"Nowhere good." He guessed.

Yeah, not a great chapter, sorry.
If you know what the title is a reference to, you get virtual cookies.
But dayummmm I just watched She-Ra season 3 and I was not prepared.
Also thanks for 45k reads!

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