Another missing boyfriend? Seriously?

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Unknown PoV

"What do you mean you don't have him?!" I demanded, slamming my fist onto the arm of my chair. The person in front of me flinched. I scoffed. "This is what I get for trusting a load of idiots! You had a spy on the inside didn't you? How did you manage to kidnap two boys that both turned out to be wrong?!"

"The smaller one... He tricked us!" The idiot in front of me stammered. "He told us he was Bakugou Katsuki, Thomas told us the other boy was quirkless!"

"Didn't you have a fucking spy?!" I yelled. "How did you manage to get the wrong boy, EVEN THOUGH YOU HAD A SPY telling you everything, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY?!"

"S-sir, the girl was from Ua, we didn't know how much information we could give to her. The only thing we offered her was money, it wasn't very reliable." They stuttered. "We could send in someone else, sir?"

"No, I can't trust any of you or your stupid underlings." I decided. I thought more for a second. Maybe I could, after all I instructed them to only tell the girl we were after a loud blonde kid with a powerful quirk and was a first year. She didn't actually not follow the instructions. Not to mention she didn't even give us away.

"I'll give you one more chance, if this goes wrong I'll have your head." I pointed at them sternly, they nodded hurriedly. "Get the girl to give us the names and pictures of everyone in her year, as well as their quirks. If she gets caught, kill her." After all, I couldn't have my entire business being given away.

Kirishima's PoV

I woke up to find Bakugou lying next to me, snoring softly. His cheek was rested on my collar bone. I chuckled to myself, trying to savour this moment as much as I could. I didn't know if we'd ever be able to hang out like this again, I don't know what might happen when we try to save Kaminari. Best case scenario, we all get out unharmed and life goes back to normal. Worst case scenario... I didn't want to think about that.

Bakugou began to stir, I tried to stop moving as much as possible but it was too late, his eyes opened slowly. I grinned at him when he appeared conscious. His eyes seemed to concentrate then he rolled them at me. I huffed pretending to be offended, he huffed back in response and closed his eyes again, trying to go back to sleep.

Unfortunately for him, the door slammed open. A curly haired figure appeared at the door, for a second I thought it was Mina, but Shinsou's head emerged. I sat up quickly, accidentally knocking off Bakugou. He was about to yell some profanities then he realised who was there. He didn't seem to care that much and tried to sleep again.

"Shinsou?" I asked, wiping my eyes and trying to appear less asleep. Now that my eyes began to see clearer, I realised he looked worried. I was immediately wide awake and also concerned, though I had no clue what was happening.

"This better be good, Grape Boy 2." Bakugou growled, his head still resting against the bed with his eyes tightly shut. "If not I will personally murder you and your fucking annoying boyfriend!"

At the last word, Shinsou appeared to tear up. I stood up, then realised one of Bakugou's arms was still resting on my shoulder. He groaned at me, still refusing to open his eyes. I looked at Shinsou, wondering why he still hasn't spoken. I realised he was trying to stop himself from crying. The skin surrounding his eyes had gotten even darker and redder. I realised he must've been up all night, maybe even crying for a lot of that time.

"Uh-it's..." Shinsou tried to force out the words. "Neito." He managed to get out, furiously rubbing at his eyes. Wanting to help his best as I could, I ran over to him. I didn't know what to do, I extended my arms for a hug but paused to make sure he was okay with one. He didn't reply, just moving closer to me. I wrapped my arms around him gently. I felt two red eyes staring at me angrily.

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