Rip Pikachu

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3rd Person PoV

The villains grabbed Bakugou's wrists once they were uncuffed and proceeded to tie them with ropes. One of them men had a similar blue uniform to those at the party.

Bakugo thrashed around trying to get undone, all while screaming very loudly that he was the real Bakugou Katsuki. Kaminari winced. He looked at the villains with a harsh gaze, making them swear that Bakugou wouldn't get hurt. Each one nodded grimly, the redheaded one with the camera switched it on as they left, making sure it showed how Bakugou was not mistreated.

They pushed him out of the exit and Bakugou's eyes had to adjust to the light around him. It had only been a few days since he'd seen sunlight but it felt like an eternity. As soon as Bakugou was out of sight, Kaminari felt himself becoming worried. If they did kill Bakugou, what could be do about it?

Two men went with Bakugou into the back of a van that had no number plate. He struggled but they held firm, slamming the door behind them. The redheaded woman with the camera was already there, the camera focused on Bakugou's end of the van. The driver was silent as he drove them to UA.

When they arrived, one of the men that had carried Bakugou called out for Pro Heroes, in an instant Vlad King and Aizawa were there to check the commotion. The man opened the back of the car and threw Bakugou out before making  hundreds of clones of himself and sneaking backcto the van. Aizawa grabbed the blonde student as Vlad tried to get closer to the van, but the clones pushed him back. Soon the van was too far away.

Aizawa untied the ropes wrapped around Bakugou's hands and he rubbed his wrists.

"Well that was fun." The boy mumbled, before running towards Heights Alliance. Aizawa followed after him until he got to the building safely, then he ran to Nezu's office to report what had just happened.

Kirishima's PoV

"We're going after them." Sero stood shakily. I nodded and tried to steady him, Mina agreed.

"We don't have a plan though-what's that?!" I heard slamming sounds, it sounded as if someone was going by the rooms and slamming the doors. The sound for louder until our door opened. I jumped back in shock. "Crap!" I shrieked as the door hit the wall.

An absolutely furious blonde stood there, his arm on the door. He seemed fine except for the dangerous look in his eyes. Sero jumped up as soon as he saw him, scrambling towards him and asking questions. Mina tried to stop him as Bakugou didn't seem in the mood for a chat.

"Fuck off tape boy, I don't have your twink!" He shoved the dark haired boy out of the way, Sero stumbled back but Mina caught him. I gasped, apparently just realising what was happening. I stepped forwards shakily, then I trapped the blonde in a hug. He squirmed around but didn't manage to escape, eventually he began to hug me back.

"You don't have him? What do you mean?" Sero asked when we stepped back way from eachother. Bakugou seemed uncomfortable and fidgeting. Sero immediately thought the worst and went paler. Bakugou shook his head though and Sero let out an audible sigh.

"Is he okay?" Hanta asked.

"He's not dead..." Bakugou went back to a determined expression. "But when I get my hands on him, he is." He held his hands up like claws to emphasize his point, I took his hands and made him relax them before letting go. Mina raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What do you mean??" She asked, tapping him on the shoulder angrily. "What happened?!" She asked but before Bakugou could answer, a swarm of students entered the room. They all began asking Bakugou questions but he began trying to shove them back out of the room, I helped him and we slammed the door behind them and locked it.

"Okay fine, sit your asses down. Let me tell you the great fucking story of why I'm going to have to kill a Pokémon..." Bakugou began.

Kaminari's PoV

I watched the video for the third time, making sure that he was unharmed. Apparently they kept their word and he arrived safely to Aizawa and Vlad. I sat back in my seat, definitely more relaxed. I was hoping they'd shoot a video somewhere I could see the directions they were going in, but apparently they realised what else I was trying to achieve.

The guard took the camera back and blew his pale hair out of his eyes. "Happy?" He asked in a monotone voice. I nodded, grinning. He blew hair heavily out the side of his mouth. "Good." He cracked his knuckles.

"You're seriously still going to punch me? I've been so nice to you!" I exclaimed, he didn't seem to care though. I definitely did care and did not want to be punched. "I'm Bakugou Katsuki, you can't hurt me! I even gave myself away. Shouldn't I get a little thanks?" I almost pleaded.

"It doesn't matter who your are, I just really want to punch someone." He stepped toward me, I winced and tried to move backward but I remembered I was tied to a chair.

"Okay fine then," I smirked at him. "If you don't care who I am and if it doesn't make all that much difference..." I don't know why I was telling him this, I guess I just wanted some credit for my brave (incredibly stupid) actions, even if it meant he'd probably punch me in the face even more. I also didn't want to be handed over to the League of Villains.

He paused, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged. "I'm not actually Bakugou Katsuki."

Honestly, if he makes it out alive then everyone will kill him.

Also updating three times in two days? I have truly changed. Probably can't update tomorrow though because I'm out.

Thanks for 54k reads tho!

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