Chipmunks or Squirrels?

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Mina's PoV
"You've got to be kidding me." Aizawa groaned when I explained to him what happened with the break-in and the party that had taken place with Present Mic's permission, I told him about Bakugou and Kaminari's disappearance. "Have they already left the school area?" He asked, I nodded.

"Okay, go tell the principal what happened. Also tell Zashi, he's dead." I'm guessing by Zashi, he meant Present Mic.

"Yes sir." I ran off to do as instructed.

Bakugou's PoV

"You are so damn stupid!" I yelled. "What makes you think that chipmunks are better than squirrels!"

"They have those cheeks dude." He tried to gesture at his own face but remembered the handcuffs, instead he just breathed in and puffed up his cheeks.

"Yeah but have you seen a squirrel's tail? That shit is fluffy as hell."

"Okay I've had enough of you two and your stupid arguements." The yellow eyed man said, exasperated. "You've been kindapped, your lives are in danger! Just scream and try to escape!" Kaminari tried to do so but his acting was so bad the man stood up and covered the electric boy's mouth with a gloved hand. "Actually, just shut up. Please."

"You are no fun." Kaminari said when the man walked back to his chair.

The man took his phone out from his coat pocket and clicked something, the phone began ringing. They picked up almost instantly. "Yeah, it's me. I need to change shifts like immediately, these kids are pissing me off." A pause, then he smiled with relief. "Oh thank god." He hung up.

"Oh god, I'll never have to see you two again." He practically danced on the spot, I looked away from this horrendous display of emotion.

"Aww, won't you miss us?" Kaminari said, looking close to tears.

"Not even in the slightest." The man said, running off when his colleague entered the room.

"That was cold." Kaminari said sadly before returning to his regular grin.

The newcomer sat down on the chair that the last man had used, they glared at us. I frowned, what has gotten them so mad? Probably Kaminari's dumbass face. It makes me mad as well, I can't blame them.

The newcomer had long white hair, slightly wavy and covering his eyes and a large portion of his face. His eyes appeared to be the same colour. He was more athletic than his last colleague but noticeably shorter. They had a scar from their left jaw to cheekbone.

"Who even are you?" I asked. "I don't recognise either of you, you aren't part of the League are you?" The newcomer adjusted their sitting position on the seat. The edges of their mouth twitched up in amusement.

"No, we are not." They nodded. "But that'll change once we hand whichever one of you is Bakugou Katsuki over to them." Kaminari thought about this for a second before grinning happily. I frowned harder, not the League again.

I'll try to update actual storyline as soon as possible, this chapter is just a boring one so sorry.
Thanks for 50k though

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